Installed Modules

AH Formatter V5.0 installs the following modules.

Windows version

AH Formatter
AHFormatter.exe Graphical User interface
AHFCmd.exe Command-line Interface
AHFDev.exe Printer setting utility
XfoEngine50.dll Formatting engine
XfoRender50.dll Rendering engine
XfoGdiCtl50.dll GDI control
XfoText50.dll Text control
XfoFont50.dll Font control
XfoGraphic50.dll Graphic control
XfoTrans50.dll XSLT filter
XfoCommon50.dll Common library
XfoHyphen50.dll Hyphenation
hyphenation/en.xml Hyphenation dictionary
hyphenation/hyphenation.dtd Hyphenation dictionary DTD
XfoDotNet20Ctl50.dll .NET Interface
XfoComCtl50.dll COM Interface
XfoJavaCtl50.dll Java Interface
include/xfo*.h C/C++ interface
XfoInterface50.dll Common Interface library
Output engines
PDFCreator50.dll PDF output engine
PDFExplorer50.dll PDF rendering engine
PSCreator50.dll PostScript output engine
SVGCreator50.dll SVG output engine
INXCreator50.dll INX output engine
XPSCreator50.dll XPS output engine
Miscellaneous libraries etc.
AHFont50.dll Font service module
font-config.xml Font configuration file
etc/font-config.dtd Font configuration file DTD
AHGraphic50.dll Graphic service module
XfoDMC50.dll Character code conversion library
base2/* Character code conversion tables
html.css Default stylesheet for HTML
UserStylesheets/*.css User stylesheet samples
icu*40.dll ICU libraries
pthreadVSE2.dll POSIX Thread libraries
Windows redistribution modules
msvcm80.dll These are installed under the [Windows System Directory] or [Windows System Directory]\WinSxS directory, when required
ahflic.dat License key for Evaluation
Documents and etc.
EULA.txt License Agreement text
ReadMe.txt Read me text
docs/* Online Manual
docs/javadoc/* Java Interface manual
docs/cppdoc/* C/C++ interface manual
samples/* Samples

Solaris / Linux version

AH Formatter
bin/AHFCmd Command-line Interface
lib/ Formatting engine
lib/ Rendering engine
lib/ Text control
lib/ Font control
lib/ Graphic control
lib/ XSLT filter
lib/ Common library
lib/ Hyphenation
etc/hyphenation/en.xml Hyphenation dictionary
etc/hyphenation/hyphenation.dtd Hyphenation dictionary DTD
lib/ Java Interface
include/xfo*.h C/C++ interface
lib/ Common interface library
Output engines
lib/ PDF output engine
lib/ PDF rendering engine
lib/ PostScript output engine
lib/ SVG output engine
lib/ INX output engine
lib/ XPS output engine
Miscellaneous libraries etc.
lib/ Font service module
fonts/* PDF Standard 14 font AFM files and glyph-name list file for ZapfDingbats font
etc/font-config.xml Font configuration file
etc/font-config.dtd Font configuration file DTD
lib/ Graphic service module
lib/ Character code conversion library
sdata/base2/* Character code conversion tables
etc/html.css Default stylesheet for HTML
etc/UserStylesheets/*.css User stylesheet samples
lib/libicu*.so.40.0 ICU libraries
etc/ahflic.dat License key for Evaluation
Documents and etc.
EULA.txt License Agreement text
ReadMe.txt Read me text
docs/* Online Manual
docs/javadoc/* Java Interface manual
docs/cppdoc/* C/C++ interface manual Sample shell script for running command line interface
samples/* Samples

Macintosh version

AH Formatter
bin/AHFCmd Command-line Interface
lib/libXfoEngine.5.0.dylib Formatting engine
lib/libXfoRender.5.0.dylib Rendering engine
lib/libXfoText.5.0.dylib Text control
lib/libXfoFont.5.0.dylib Font control
lib/libXfoGraphic.5.0.dylib Graphic control
lib/libXfoTrans.5.0.dylib XSLT filter
lib/libXfoCommon.5.0.dylib Common library
lib/libXfoHyphen.5.0.dylib Hyphenation
etc/hyphenation/en.xml Hyphenation dictionary
etc/hyphenation/hyphenation.dtd Hyphenation dictionary DTD
lib/libXfoJavaCtl50.jnilib Java Interface
include/xfo*.h C/C++ interface
lib/libXfoInterface.5.0.dylib Common interface library
Output engines
lib/libPDFCreator.5.0.dylib PDF output engine
lib/libPDFExplorer.5.0.dylib PDF rendering engine
lib/libPSCreator.5.0.dylib PostScript output engine
lib/libSVGCreator.5.0.dylib SVG output engine
lib/libINXCreator.5.0.dylib INX output engine
lib/libXPSCreator.5.0.dylib XPS output engine
Miscellaneous libraries etc.
lib/libAHFont.5.0.dylib Font service module
fonts/* PDF Standard 14 font AFM files and glyph-name list file for ZapfDingbats font
etc/font-config.xml Font configuration file
etc/font-config.dtd Font configuration file DTD
lib/libAHGraphic.5.0.dylib Graphic service module
lib/libXfoDMC.5.0.dylib Character code conversion library
sdata/base2/* Character code conversion tables
etc/html.css Default stylesheet for HTML
etc/UserStylesheets/*.css User stylesheet samples
lib/libicu*.40.0.dylib ICU libraries
etc/ahflic.dat License key for Evaluation
Documents and etc.
EULA.txt License Agreement text
ReadMe.txt Read me text
docs/* Online Manual
docs/javadoc/* Java Interface manual
docs/cppdoc/* C/C++ interface manual Sample shell script for running command line interface
samples/* Samples

HP-UX version

AH Formatter
bin/AHFCmd Command-line Interface
lib/ Formatting engine
lib/ Rendering engine
lib/ Text control
lib/ Font control
lib/ Graphic control
lib/ XSLT filter
lib/ Common library
lib/ Hyphenation
etc/hyphenation/en.xml Hyphenation dictionary
etc/hyphenation/hyphenation.dtd Hyphenation dictionary DTD
lib/ or
Java Interface
include/xfo*.h C/C++ interface
lib/ Common interface library
Output engines
lib/ PDF output engine
lib/ PDF rendering engine
lib/ PostScript output engine
lib/ SVG output engine
lib/ INX output engine
lib/ XPS output engine
Miscellaneous libraries etc.
lib/ Font service module
fonts/* PDF Standard 14 font AFM files and glyph-name list file for ZapfDingbats font
etc/font-config.xml Font configuration file
etc/font-config.dtd Font configuration file DTD
lib/ Graphic service module
lib/ Character code conversion library
sdata/base2/* Character code conversion tables
etc/html.css Default stylesheet for HTML
etc/UserStylesheets/*.css User stylesheet samples
lib/libicu*.sl.40.0 ICU libraries
etc/ahflic.dat License key for Evaluation
Documents and etc.
EULA.txt License Agreement text
ReadMe.txt Read me text
docs/* Online Manual
docs/javadoc/* Java Interface manual
docs/cppdoc/* C/C++ interface manual Sample shell script for running command line interface
samples/* Samples

AIX version

AH Formatter
bin/AHFCmd Command-line Interface
lib/ Formatting engine
lib/ Rendering engine
lib/ Text control
lib/ Font control
lib/ Graphic control
lib/ XSLT filter
lib/ Common library
lib/ Hyphenation
etc/hyphenation/en.xml Hyphenation dictionary
etc/hyphenation/hyphenation.dtd Hyphenation dictionary DTD
lib/ Java Interface
include/xfo*.h C/C++ interface
lib/ Common interface library
Output engines
lib/ PDF output engine
lib/ PDF rendering engine
lib/ PostScript output engine
lib/ SVG output engine
lib/ INX output engine
lib/ XPS output engine
Miscellaneous libraries etc.
lib/ Font service module
fonts/* PDF Standard 14 font AFM files and glyph-name list file for ZapfDingbats font
etc/font-config.xml Font configuration file
etc/font-config.dtd Font configuration file DTD
lib/ Graphic service module
lib/ Character code conversion library
sdata/base2/* Character code conversion tables
etc/html.css Default stylesheet for HTML
etc/UserStylesheets/*.css User stylesheet samples
lib/libicu*40.0.a ICU libraries
etc/ahflic.dat License key for Evaluation
Documents and etc.
EULA.txt License Agreement text
ReadMe.txt Read me text
docs/* Online Manual
docs/javadoc/* Java Interface manual
docs/cppdoc/* C/C++ interface manual Sample shell script for running command line interface
samples/* Samples