- Member XfoInterface::XfoObj::setPdfMasterPassword (const char *newVal)
- Effective when outputting to PDF. Specifies the master password for PDF. The password must be within 32 bytes.
- Member XfoInterface::XfoObj::setPdfMasterPasswordW (const wchar_t *newVal)
- Effective when outputting to PDF. Specifies the master password for PDF. The password must be within 32 bytes.
- Member xfo_setPdfMasterPassword
- Effective when outputting to PDF. Specifies the master password for PDF. The password must be within 32 bytes.
- Member xfo_setPdfMasterPasswordW
- Effective when outputting to PDF. Specifies the master password for PDF. The password must be within 32 bytes.
- Member xfo_setDocumentText
- Specifies the XML document you will format. MSXML3/MSXML4 is required when formatting. This setting is effective only with Windows version.
- Member xfo_setDocumentTextW
- Specifies the XML document you will format. MSXML3/MSXML4 is required when formatting. This setting is effective only with Windows version.
- Member xfo_getStylesheetText
- Get the text of XSL stylesheet for formatting.
- Member xfo_getStylesheetTextW
- Get the text of XSL stylesheet for formatting.
- Member xfo_setStylesheetText
- Specifies the text of XSL stylesheet for formatting. If the specified XML document is FO, or the XML file contains the processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet ...?> and the XSL stylesheet is specified, this setting is ignored. Otherwise if there is no setting of this property, an error occurs. MSXML3/MSXML4 is required when formatting. This setting is effective only with Windows version.
- Member xfo_setStylesheetTextW
- Specifies the text of XSL stylesheet for formatting. If the specified XML document is FO, or the XML file contains the processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet ...?> and the XSL stylesheet is specified, this setting is ignored. Otherwise if there is no setting of this property, an error occurs. MSXML3/MSXML4 is required when formatting. This setting is effective only with Windows version.
Generated on 19 Mar 2009 for AHFormatter C/C++ Interface by Doxygen 1.5.5