Java Interface

XSL Formatter V3.4 Java Interface is available in the following Java environment. Please refer to Java VM issues.

Library files

The following library files are included in [Install directory] or [Install directory]/lib.

Library file Contents Location
XfoJavaCtl.jar Java Archiver [Install directory]/lib
XfoJavaCtl.dll Java Interface Library for Windows [Install directory] Java Interface Library for Solaris/Linux/AIX [Install directory]/lib
libXfoJavaCtl.jnilib Java Interface Library for Macintosh Java Interface Library for HP-UX

In order to execute the Java Interface, [Install directory]/lib/XfoJavaCtl.jar must be included in the CLASSPATH environment variable. In addition, in Windows version, [Install directory]/lib must be included in the PATH environment variable. In Solaris/Linux version, it must be included in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. In Macintosh version, it must be included in the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. In HP-UX version, it must be included in the SHLIB_PATH environment variable. In AIX version, it must be included in the LIBPATH environment variable. Naturally, [Install directory] is also required for the PATH in the Windows version.

In Windows version:

> set CLASSPATH=[Install directory]/lib/XfoJavaCtl.jar;%CLASSPATH%
> set PATH=[Install directory]/lib;%PATH%

In Solaris/Linux version:

$ CLASSPATH=[Install directory]/lib/XfoJavaCtl.jar:${CLASSPATH}
$ export CLASSPATH
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=[Install directory]/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

Java VM issues

XSL Formatter V3.4 Java Interface is built using J2SE1.4.2. The Java runtime environment below v1.4.2 dose not support, and when using the Java execution environment of an old version in the Linux environment, the problem of compatibility may occur.

Running the Sample Program

[Install directory]/samples/java contains several simple sample programs.

The following shows how to execute these sample programs. In this case [Install directory]/samples/java must be included in CLASSPATH.

> cd [Install directory]/samples/java
> javac
> java sample sample.pdf

API Specification

Please refer to the document that was generated by Javadoc.

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