
Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 is a library to convert MS Office (Word/Excel/PowerPoint) documents into PDF, SVG, or JPEG/PNG/TIFF(JPEG/PNG/TIFF is only available for the Windows version) files and PDF files into SVG or JPEG/PNG/TIFF(JPEG/PNG/TIFF is only available for the Windows version) files on the server side. By using the Server Based Converter in the groupware or the Web-mail system where the environment can display PDF or SVG, MS Office document can be displayed even in those environments where MS Office is not installed nor operated.

Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 newly offers the ability to input MS Word 2007 / MS Excel 2007 / MS PowerPoint 2007 files. With Plus version, you can input CGM, output XPS and INX files.


Note:Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 formats MS Office documents and produces the requested output by itself. Due to this, the pages output may not have exactly the same appearance with the original MS Office document. The current release of the Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 does not support all formatting aspects of MS Office and thus the output results might be unsatisfactory. When using Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 please keep this in mind as Antenna House works to improve the compatibility with MS Office as much as possible.


Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 provides the following features:

Supported Files Formats

Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 supports the following file formats to input.

Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 supports the following file formats to output.

System Requirements

Item Contents
Windows version Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 2000 Server
Windows Server2003
Windows Server2008
Windows Server2008 R2
Solaris version Sun Solaris 10 (sparc version)
Linux version Red Hat Linux 8 or later
Linux 64bit version Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5
Cent OS 5

libstdc++.so in Linux

In the Linux environment Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 is built using GCC 3.4.X version. The binary program generated from this version explicitly links libstdc++.so.6 as the runtime-library. Similarly in the Linux 64bit environment Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 is built using GCC 3.4.X version. The binary program generated from this version explicitly links libstdc++.so.6 as the runtime-library. If your Linux environment does not include libstdc++.so.6, you should get it from your distributor.

About Evaluation Version

Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 Evaluation version has the following restrictions which are removed with the purchase of a formal license:

There are no restrictions on formatting functions except for the above mentioned. However, the optional features that are not explicitly stated above are invalid.

Maintenance Service Key

With the purchase of a formal license, or when the program is upgraded during the maintenance contract period, Antenna House will provide the customer with a Maintenance Service Key which is used to activate and authenticate the Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 and remove the above restrictions.


For more informationabout Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0, technical support and service needs, please contact us by e-mail.