
Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 supports the following types of graphics input. Unless otherwise noted they are supported across all platforms; Windows, Solaris / Linux.
When graphic cormats cannot be embedded directly into the outputted PDF/SVG, they are converted into the format that can be embedded. An error occurs if the original document includes any unsupported graphics format. Specify "3" in -extlevel option if you want the program to ignore any unsupported graphics and continue processing.

See also Graphics in the INX Output section.
See also Image Output in the XPS Output section.

When the specified image cannot be acquired because the image is not existent, etc., a dummy image will be displayed instead. However if the image is a background-image, a dummy image will not be displayed.


Supports Windows Bitmap. The content-type is "image/bmp".


Supports JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format). The content-type is "image/jpeg".


Supports JPEG2000 of the following format.


Supports Portable Network Graphics Format with the following restrictions:

The content-type is "image/png".


Supports the TIFF files of TIFF Revision 6.0 specification.

Supports the following color expression.


The content-type is "image/tiff".


Supports Graphics Interchange Format with some restrictions.

The content-type is "image/gif".


Supports Windows Metafile. The image quality is maintained by embedding the vector image in the PDF, SVG. The following restrictions currently exist:

WMF in gzip file format is also supported. The content-type is "image/wmf".


Supports Enhanced Metafile. The image quality is maintained by embedding the vector image in the PDF, SVG. The following restrictions currently exist:

EMF in gzip file format is also supported. The content-type is "image/emf".


Supports Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1. Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 greatly enhances the display quality of SVG in PDF through a newly developed SVG native output engine. Please refer to "SVG Conformance" for more details. SVG in gzip file format is also supported.

If the correct xmlns is described in the svg tag, it's counted as SVG. If not, it's not counted as SVG.

The typical content-type is "image/svg+xml".


Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 Plus supports CGM defined in ISO/IEC 8632 and WebCGM 2.0 defined in W3C.
If the CGM Option is installed, CGM graphic is embedded as vector graphic into the PDF without raster degradation.

About the CGM input function, please refer to CGM Conformance page.