Option Setting File

The Option Setting File is an XML file which describes the operating setup for the Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0. It can be loaded by the -i option in Command-line Interface, etc.

The following are the elements of the Option Setting File:

Element Location Description
<formatter-config> root element Root element of the Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 Option Setting File.
<formatter-settings> child of <formatter-config> Formatter Settings element.
<font-settings> child of <formatter-config> Font Settings element.
<script-font> child of <font-settings> Generic font mapping settings element.
<font-alias> child of <font-settings> Font alias settings element.
<inx-settings> child of <formatter-config> INX Output Settings element.

Formatter Settings

These settings are used for the formatting.

Element Location Attribute Default Description
<formatter-settings> child of <formatter-config> watermark-font-family sans-serif Specifies the font family to the character string which you set to watermark-text.
watermark-opacity 0.2 >Specifies the opacity to the character string which you set to watermark-text.
watermark-font-style normal Specifies the font style to the character string which you set to watermark-text.
watermark-font-weight normal Specifies the font weight to the character string which you set to watermark-text. Possible to specify normal, bold or the numerical value from 100 to 900.
watermark-text Displays the specified watermark text on each page. Possible to make it multiple lines by delimiting with the line feed &#10;. This setting is invalid with the evaluation version.

Font Settings

These settings are used for the fonts.

Element Location Attribute Default Description
<font-settings> child of <formatter-config> default-font-family serif Specifies the default generic font family. The choices are serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy or monospace.
missing-font 1 Specifies whether to warn when a font is not found from the specified font family. The following either can be specified.
0.No error message will be reported.
1.The level 1 error message will be reported.
2.The level 2 error message will be reported.
missing-glyph 1 Specifies whether to warn when the glyph corresponding to the specified character is not found in the specified font family. The following either can be specified.
0.No error message will be reported.
1.The level 1 error message will be reported.
2.The level 2 error message will be reported.
missing-glyph-all false Usually the report on missing-glyph is given only once to the same character. However, by specifying missing-glyph-all="true", the report can be given to all. Please note that careless specification could cause huge amount of error.
use-windows-api false Specifies whether to use the original API without using Windows API for the acquisition of font information, such as font width on Windows version with the values of true or false. When false is specified, the original API is used. In the Windows version, usually a font is processed by Windows API and with the non-Windows version, it's processed by the original API. Since both doesn't match completely, some difference may cause in the character position in the formatting result between the Windows version and the non-Windows version. This setting prevents the difference of the delicate character position between Windows version and non-Windows version. Effective only with the Windows version. If false is specified, the setting of <formatter-serrings WindowsFontAPI> is invalid.
<script-font> child of <font-settings> script Specifies the script codes for multilingual setting. The available scripts conform to ISO 15924. However, the Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 does not support all scripts. The following scripts can be specified here.
  • Latn : Latin
  • Grek : Greek
  • Cyrl : Cyrillic
  • Arab : Arabic
  • Hebr : Hebrew
  • Deva : Devanagari
  • Thai : Thai
  • Hang : Hangul
  • Hans : Han (Chinese Simplified)
  • Hant : Han (Chinese Traditional)
  • Jpan : Japanese (Han+Hira+Kana)
For generic fonts you may omit the setting of the script or specifyas script=".".
serif Specifies the generic serif font when specified by the script.
sans-serif Specifies the generic sans-serif font when specified by the script.
monospace Specifies the generic monospace font when specified by the script.
cursive Specifies the generic cursive font when specified by the script.
fantasy Specifies the generic font for fantasy when specified by the script.
<font-alias> child of <font-settings> src Replaces the font name src (source) with dst (destination). This is achieved by specifying an arbitrary font name for src and dst. However, in the following sample,
<font-alias src="A" dst="B">
<font-alias src="B" dst="C">
"A" would never be replaced with "C". Moreover, the setting for <font-alias> doesn't affect the font name in the Option file.

INX Output Settings

These settings are used for INX Output.

Element Location Attribute Default Description
<inx-settings> child of <formatter-config> output-mode text Specify how to generate the text frame of InDesign® from text.
  • text

    Text frame is generated from each text area. This mode can convert most closely to the formatting result. It is sometimes difficult to edit the result using InDesign®.

  • line

    Text frame is generated from each line area.

  • block

    Text frame is generated from each block area. It is easy to edit the result using InDesign®. Instead the conversion precision is lost at expense.

Example for Option Setting File

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <font-settings default-font-family="serif">
      serif="Times New Roman"
      monospace="Courier New"
      cursive="Times New Roman"
      fantasy="Times New Roman"/>
      serif="MS Mincho"
      sans-serif="MS Gothic"
      monospace="MS Mincho"/>
    <font-alias src="Mincho" dst="serif"/>
    <font-alias src="Gothic" dst="sans-serif"/>