******************************************************* OpenPGP Library for Java Release History Copyright (c) 2006-2019 DidiSoft Inc Eood ******************************************************* [*] : Bug [+] : New [-] : Removed [!] : Modification HISTORY: -------- Version Release date: 10 June 2019 [+] package com.didisoft.pgp.storage [+] IKeyStoreStorage - interface for custom storage of a KeyStore [+] FileKeyStorage - IKeyStoreStorage implementation obtained from a file [+] InMemoryKeyStorage - IKeyStoreStorage implementation obtained from RAM memory package com.didisoft.pgp [+] KeyStore constructors that accepts IKeyStoreStorage backend [+] KeyStore.checkPasssword(IKeyStoreStorage) - checks a password match for a IKeyStoreStorage backend [+] KeyStore.isPassswordProtected(IKeyStoreStorage) - checks is a IKeyStoreStorage backend password protected [+] KeyStore.store(OutputStream out, String password) - stores the KeyStore into an OutputStream Version Release date: 05 April 2019 package com.didisoft.pgp [+] Added back JAR files for Java 1.4 in the \Library\Java14\ folder [*] KeyStore - fix on AIX with Java 1.4 Version Release date: 26 March 2019 package com.didisoft.pgp [+] KeyStore.importGnuPgKbx - imports public keys from GnuPG keybox (.kbx) file storage [!] KeyStore.importXX - fix for importing keys with Charset: header line Version Release date: 03 January 2019 [!] PGPLib - changed to use system default SecureRandom Version Release date: 08 November 2018 package com.didisoft.pgp [!] PGPLib.isIntegrityProtectArchives(boolean) - default value is now true (Integrity protect archives by default if not specified) package com.didisoft.pgp.mail [+] PGPMailLib.setIntegrityProtectArchives(boolean) - Sets shall the Modification Detection Code (MDC) be added implicitly when encrypting [+] PGPMailLib.isIntegrityProtectArchives(boolean) - Returns shall the Modification Detection Code (MDC) be added implicitly when encrypting Version Release date: 24 October 2018 package com.didisoft.pgp [*] PGPLib - fixed critical bug when decrypting .pgp file with BZIP2 compression Version Release date: 08 October 2018 [*] KeyStore - fixed bug in importing keys with only a comment header line Version Release date: 25 September 2018 package com.didisoft.pgp [!] PGPLib - default preferred symmetric key cipher is now AES-256, with backward compatibility with keys made prior year 2002 using CAST5 Version Release date: 19 July 2018 package com.didisoft.pgp [*] KeyStore - fix importing keys with no Version header Version Release date: 05 July 2018 package com.didisoft.pgp [+] PGPLib.setIntegrityProtectArchives(boolean) - Sets shall the Modification Detection Code (MDC) be added implicitly when encrypting [+] PGPLib.isIntegrityProtectArchives(boolean) - Returns shall the Modification Detection Code (MDC) be added implicitly when encrypting Note: This update reflects recent EFAIL related changes in GnuPG 2.2.8 and Symantec PGP Command Line 10.4.2 that reject encrypted and signed and encrypted files without MDC packet Up till now all methods that were outputing encrypted data as String didn't used integrity protection (MDC). In order to make your code compatible with those major OpenPGP implementations you have to set this property before performing any encryption operations where the integrity protections is not set explicitly! Version Release date: 19 April 2018 package com.didisoft.pgp [+] EcCurve.Brainpool256 - Brainpool ECC curve 256 bit [+] EcCurve.Brainpool384 - Brainpool ECC curve 384 bit [+] EcCurve.Brainpool512 - Brainpool ECC curve 512 bit [+] KeyStore.generateEccKeyPair - now supports Brainpool Elliptic Curves (256, 384, 512 bit) [+] KeyPairInformation.getAlgorithmType() - returns KeyAlgorithm.Enum [+] KeyPairInformation.SubKey.getAlgorithmType() - returns KeyAlgorithm.Enum [+] KeyPairInformation.getEcCurve() - returns EcCurve.Enum [+] KeyPairInformation.SubKey.getEcCurve() - returns EcCurve.Enum [!] CompressionAlgorithm.Enum.fromString - made static [!] CypherAlgorithm.Enum.fromString - made static [!] HashAlgorithm.Enum.fromString - made static [!] KeyAlgorithm.Enum.fromString - made static [!] CompressionAlgorithm.Enum.fromString - made static [!] EcCurve.Enum.fromString - made static Version Release date: 23 February 2018 package com.didisoft.pgp [+] constructor KeyStore(filename, password, ICustomKeyListener) - accepting custom key protecting the password in a SealedObject [+] KeyStore.openFile(filename, password, ICustomKeyListener) - accepting custom key protecting the password in a SealedObject package com.didisoft.pgp.net [+] constructor LDAPClient(host, port, username, password, ICustomKeyListener) - accepting custom key protecting the password in a SealedObject Version Release date: 29 January 2018 package com.didisoft.pgp [+] KeyStore.getPassword - returns the current password [+] KeyStore.setPassword - sets a new password Version Release date: 09 January 2018 package com.didisoft.pgp [*] PGPLib - improved correction of new lines in ASCII armored keys Version Release date: 03 January 2018 package com.didisoft.pgp.inspect [*] PGPInspectLib.isPGPData - a method that can check from the first 5 bytes is this is a PGP data (encrypted and/or signed, or password protected) Version Release date: 08 November 2017 package com.didisoft.pgp.net [*] LDAPClient - fix for name servers that don't expect fully qualified naming root Version Release date: 11 October 2017 package com.didisoft.pgp [!] PGPLib.decryptString - modified to accept transparently file paths as input Version Release date: 14 August 2017 package com.didisoft.pgp.mail [+] PGPMailLib.getAsciiVersionHeader - Returns the Version comment text that is printed in ASCII armored output [+] PGPMailLib.setAsciiVersionHeader - Sets the Version comment text that is printed in ASCII armored output Version Release date: 11 July 2017 package com.didisoft.pgp.mail [+] PGPMailUtils - fixed error wit Session when invoked from B4J class wrapper [+] PGPMailUtils.signAndEncryptEmail - creates PGP/MIME signed and encrypted emails [+] PGPMailLib - alias of PGPMailUtils [+] PGPMailInspectLib - provides methods for inspecting PGP/MIME emails messages [!] migrated to javax.mail-1.5.6.jar Version Release date: 05 May 2017 [!] PGPLib - when encrypting with keys in files if there is a sub key it will be used by default, instead of the master key. If more than one encryption sub key is found the one with the greatest strength will be used. Version Release date: 30 March 2017 [+] com.didisoft.pgp.mail.PGPMailUtils(Session) - additional constructor with default mail session properties Version Release date: 23 January 2017 Package com.didisoft.pgp [+] PGPLib.encryptString - overloaded versions for multiple recipients Package com.didisoft.pgp.net [+] submitKey - overloaded version that accepts com.didisoft.pgp.KeyPairInformation Version Release date: 13 January 2017 [+] Added Maven repository at https://didisoft.com/repox [!] BC dependant libraries naming has been mavenized Version Release date: 29 August 2016 Package com.didisoft.pgp [!] PGPLib - all methods that expect keys through a KeyStore and a User ID now also accept KeyStore and a long (64 bit) hexadecimal Key ID [!] PGPLib - all encryption methods now will use the strongest possible encrypton sub key and will skip expired and revoked encryption sub keys [+] KeyStore - all methods that expect keys through a KeyStore and a User ID now also accept KeyStore and a long (64 bit) hexadecimal Key ID [+] method KeyStore.keyIdToLongHex(long) - converts a Key ID into a long hexadecimal Key Id [+] method KeyStore.keyIdToHex(long) - converts a Key ID into a short (32 bit) hexadecimal Key Id [+] property KeyPairInformation.getKeyIdLongHex() - returns the full hexadecimal Key ID of this key [+] property KeyPairInformation.SubKey.getKeyIdLongHex() - returns the full hexadecimal Key ID of this key [+] method KeyPairInformation.keyIdToLongHex(long) - converts a Key ID into a long hexadecimal Key Id [+] method KeyPairInformation.keyIdToHex(long) - converts a Key ID into a short (32 bit) hexadecimal Key Id Version Release date: 15 August 2016 Package com.didisoft.pgp [+] KeyStore.generateElGamalKeyPair - added overloaded versions for specifying the size of the master signing key (DSA key). The previous methods always generated 1024 bit master signing key. Version Release date: 29 June 2016 Package com.didisoft.pgp.mail [+] PGPMailUtils.encryptMessage - overloaded versions that accept KeyStore and multiple recipients [+] PGPMailUtils.decryptMessage - overloaded version that accepts keys from a KeyStore [+] PGPMailUtils.signMessage - overloaded version that accepts KeyStore [+] PGPMailUtils.verifyMessage - returns com.didisoft.pgp.SignatureCheckResult [*] PGPMailUtils.decryptMessage - fix when decrypting PGP-inline mail with multipart/alternative views [*] PGPMailUtils.verify - fix when verifying the signature of a PGP-inline mail [!] The Enterprise version jar files now support line level debugging with attached sources Version Release date: 30 May 2016 Package com.didisoft.pgp [!] PGPLib.detachedSignFile - throws NoPrivateKeyFoundException if there is no matching private key [!] PGPLib.detachedSign - throws NoPrivateKeyFoundException if there is no matching private key Version Release date: 25 May 2016 Package com.didisoft.pgp [+] PGPLib.detachedSignFile - overloaded versions that accept KeyStore [!] PGPLib.detachedSign - the methods that accept KeyStore respect signing subkeys expired/revoked sub keys Version Release date: 18 May 2016 [*] PGPLib.detachedSign - fix when the supplied private key is a detached key (only the sub key is present) [*] PGPLib.sign - fix when the supplied private key is a detached key (only the sub key is present) Version Release date: 17 May 2016 [*] PGPLib.detachedSignFile - fixed bug stopping GnuPG to verify the created signatures [*] PGPLib.detachedSignStream - fixed bug stopping GnuPG to verify the created signatures Version Release date: 11 March 2016 [*] PGPLib.signAndEncryptStreamVersion3 - a NullPointerException was thrown wen using old .pgp keys Version Release date: 02 March 2016 Package com.didisoft.pgp [!] KeyStore.importPublickKey - removed [!] KeyStore.generateKeyPair - the speed of ELGAMAL (DH/DSS) key generation was improved [!] KeyStore.setUsePrecomputedPrimes - now uses the pre-computed primes from RFC 3526 for ElGamal (DH/DSS) [+] KeyStore.importKey - imports only the first OpenPGP key from a specified source [+] KeyStore.addSubKey - adds a newly generated sub key to an existing key pair [+] KeyStore.deleteSubKey - deletes a sub key from an existing key pair [+] CompressionAlgorithm.Enum - enum that lists the possible compression algorithm values [+] HashAlgorithm.Enum - enum that lists the possible hash algorithm values [+] CypherAlgorithm.Enum - enum that lists the possible cypher algorithm values [+] EcCurve.Enum - enum that lists the supported Elliptic Curves [+] KeyAlgorithm.Enum - enum that lists the possible assymetric key algorithm values Version Release date: 20 November 2015 [*] PGPLib.verifyWithoutExtracting - wasn't recognizing private keys correctly [*] KeyPairInformation.getExpirationDate() - the date wasn't returned correctly [*] KeyPairInformation.getExpirationTime() - the date wasn't returned correctly Version Release date: 24 September 2015 Package com.didisoft.pgp [+] PGPLib.verifyWithoutExtracting - additional overloaded versions for checking the signature of one pass signed and encrypted .pgp archives Version 3.1.0 Release date: 18 September 2015 [!] Offers more accurate signature checking results. Migration notes are available at: http://www.didisoft.com/net-openpgp-library/new-signature-checking-openpgp-net/ Package com.didisoft.pgp [+] com.didisoft.pgp.SignatureCheckResult - enum with possible signature check results [+] PGPLib.verifyAndExtract - verifies OpenPGP signed messages, returns SignatureCheckResult [+] PGPLib.verifyWithoutExtracting - verifies OpenPGP signed messages without extracting the data, returns SignatureCheckResult [+] PGPLib.detachedVerify - verifies OpenPGP detached signatures, returns SignatureCheckResult [+] PGPLib.decryptAndVerify - verifies OpenPGP signed and encrypted messages, returns SignatureCheckResult Version Release date: 15 September 2015 [!] KeyStore.getAsciiVersionHeader() - now includes DidiSoft branding. Version Release date: 19 August 2015 [!] PGPLib.decryptStream - decrypted output stream is now left open [!] PGPLib.verifyStream - extracted output stream is now left open [!] PGPLib.decryptAndVerifyStream - decrypted output stream is now left open Version Release date: 24 July 2015 Package com.didisoft.pgp.mail [*] PGPMailUtils.isOpenPGPEncrypted(Message) - was returning false for inline ecrypted PGP emails. [*] PGPMailUtils.decryptMessage(Message) - now decrypt inline ecrypted PGP emails [+] PGPMailUtils.hasAttachments(Message) - checks does an email have attachments Version Release date: 12 February 2015 [*] KeyStore.generateKeyPair - key preferences were missing (like expiration time, preferred algorithms, etc.) Version 3.0.0 Release date: 23 January 2015 [!] The Library has been made independant from Java Cryptography Extensions and now there is no need for the Unlimited JCE installation in order the library to work. Version Release date: 23 December 2014 Package com.didisoft.pgp.net [+] HKPClient.getKeysByUserId - retrieves all keys with matching User Id Version Release date: 06 November 2014 Package com.didisoft.pgp [!] KeyStore - added log events for key generation, import and deletion operations Version Release date: 22 October 2014 Package com.didisoft.pgp [!] PGPKeyPair - constructors now also accept keys as ASCII armored strings Package com.didisoft.pgp.inspect [!] PGPInspectLib.isSignedOnly(String) - now also accept data as ASCII armored string [!] PGPInspectLib.isPublicKeyEncrypted(String) - now also accept data as ASCII armored string [!] PGPInspectLib.listEncryptionKeyIds - now also lists the encryption key Id's of public and private keys Version Release date: 15 October 2014 [+] New JAR file ships with the library in sub folder \Library\Mail\pgplib-mail-2.7.0.jar [+] The new JAR file exposes a new package com.didisoft.pgp.mail offering PGP/MIME functionality Version 2.7.0 Release date: 6 October 2014 [!] The library was migrated to BouncyCastle version 1.51, for projects that already depend on lower versions of BouncyCastle a separate JAR files are also distributed. [!] The library has been modified in order to allow usage in Oracle DB 11+ for writing Java stored procedures. [!] PGPLib - all methods that accept keys as file name location parameter of type String now also accept keys as ASCII armored strings [+] PGPLib.signString - methods for signing string messages [*] KeyPairInformation.getKeyExpirationTime() - now counts also the expiration seconds. Version Release date: 25 August 2014 Package com.didisoft.pgp [*] KeyStore.changeUserId - was erasing the key expiration time. Now it is preserved. Version Release date August 1st 2014 Package com.didisoft.pgp [+] PGPLib.setOverrideKeyAlgorithmPreferences(boolean) - sets should the algorithms choosed with setCompression, setCypher, setHash override the used key preferences. [+] PGPLib.isOverrideKeyAlgorithmPreferences() - returns will the algorithms choosed with setCompression, setCypher, setHash override the used key preferences. Version Release date July 16th 2014 Package com.didisoft.pgp [+] KeyStore.addSaveListener(IKeyStoreSaveListener) - listener for event triggered on key store state change [+] KeyStore.addSearchListener(IKeyStoreSearchListener) - listener for events fired on key search in the key store [+] Package com.didisoft.pgp.events [+] IKeyStoreSaveListener - listener interface for key store state changes [+] IKeyStoreSearchListener - listener interface for key store key search operations Version Release date June 6th 2014 Package com.didisoft.pgp [*] PGPLib.decryptFile - added support for recovering from error "premature end of stream in PartialInputStream" [*] PGPLib.decryptString - added support for recovering from error "premature end of stream in PartialInputStream" [*] PGPLib.decryptStream - added support for recovering from error "premature end of stream in PartialInputStream" Version Release date May 28 2014 Package com.didisoft.pgp [!] PGPLib.decryptFileTo(..) in conjunction with PGPLib.setExtractTarFiles(false) can handle .pgp archives with no internal file name information and extract them into a file with name composed from the input file name but without the .pgp extension. Version Release date May 26 2014 Package com.didisoft.pgp [+] PGPLib.isExtractTarFiles() - is the library set to extract encrypted TAR files [+] PGPLib.setExtractTarFiles(boolean) - sets should the library extract encrypted TAR files with the methods that handle multiple file archives Version Release date May 12 2014 BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY NOTICE: Output streams are now left open. You will have to explitily close them! [!] PGPLib.encryptStream - the encrypted output stream is left open. Now the caller is responsible for closing it. [!] PGPLib.encryptStreamPBE - the encrypted output stream is left open. Now the caller is responsible for closing it. [!] PGPLib.signStream - the signed output stream is left open. Now the caller is responsible for closing it. [!] PGPLib.signStreamVersion3 - the signed output stream is left open. Now the caller is responsible for closing it. [!] PGPLib.signAndEncryptStream - the encrypted output stream is left open. Now the caller is responsible for closing it. [!] PGPLib.signAndEncryptStreamVersion3 - the encrypted output stream is left open. Now the caller is responsible for closing it. (NEW!) PGP 2.x compatibility (RFC 1991) [+] PGPLib.pgp.setPgp2Compatible(true)/isPgp2Compatible() - methods that control compatibility of the produced .pgp archives with the ancient PGP 2.x systems. KeyStore posibility to customize the type of self sertification of OpenPGP keys [+] KeyStore.getDefaultKeyCertificationType() - returns the default key certification type used for newly created keys [+] KeyStore.setDefaultKeyCertificationType - sets the default key certification type for newly created keys [+] KeyStore.setKeyCertificationType - changes a key self certification type to a specified value Version Release date April 28 2014 Package com.didisoft.pgp [+] PGPLib.getDebugLevel/setDebuglevel - methods to control the verbose debug log level [+] KeyStore.clearKeyExpirationTime - methods to clear the expiration time of a public key [+] KeyStore.setKeyExpirationTime - methods to set the expiration time of a public key Version Release date March 21 2014 Package com.didisoft.pgp [*] KeyStore.changePrivateKeyPassword - the change was nor reflected in the internal list of KeyPairInformation objects Version Release date March 17 2014 Package com.didisoft.pgp.net [+] HKPClient - constructor without port (HTTP 80 by default) [*] LDAPClient.submitKey - fixed case when the key does not exist on the server (in the first version it was only modifying the key). Version Release date March 06 2014 New package com.didisoft.pgp.net [+] LDAPClient - provides access to LDAP OpenPGP key servers (e.g. Symantec Encryption Management Server/PGP Universal Server/, OpenLDAP with pgp schema) [+] HKPClient - provides access to HKP (Horowitz key protocol) OpenPGP key servers (e.g. pgp.mit.edu) Package com.didisoft.pgp [*] KeyStore.changePrivateKeyPassword - the keystore state wasn't persisted [+] KeyPairInformation.isValidForever() - returns true if the key has no expiration date [+] PGPLib.signAndEncryptFile - overloaded version for multiple recipients [+] PGPLib.signAndEncryptStream - overloaded version for multiple recipients Version Release date March 02 2014 [+] Library/GoogleAppEngine/ - version of the library JAR files prepared for Google AppEngine (GAE) Version Release date February 18 2014 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp [+] PGPLib.encryptString - overloaded methods that accept key in a KeyStore [+] PGPLib.decryptString - overloaded methods that accept key in a KeyStore Version Release date February 01 2014 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp [+] PGPLib.encryptString - overloaded methods that accept key as input stream [+] PGPLib.decryptString - overloaded methods that accept key as input stream Version Release date January 30 2014 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp [+] PGPLib.encryptStringPBE - method for password encrypting a string message [+] PGPLib.decryptStreamPBE - method for decrypting a password encrypted Stream [+] PGPLib.decryptStringPBE - method for decrypting a password encrypted string message Version Release date January 30 2014 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp [+] PGPLib.encryptString - methods for encrypting a string message [+] PGPLib.decryptString - methods for decrypting a string message [+] KeyPairInformation.getExpirationTime - returns the key expiration time Version Release date January 12 2014 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp.inspect [+] KeyStore.setKeystorePassword() - can be used to change the password of a file based KeyStore instance [*] PGPLib.encryptX - as of version of the library was expecting all private key passwords to be in UTF-8. In previous versions the library was working with non ASCII passwords as well and now keys with non ASCII passwords were rejected, although a valid password is supplied. This has been fixed and now the library is backward compatible. Version Release date December 10 2013 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp.inspect [+] PGPInspectLib.listSignatures - returns information for the signatures contained in an OpenPGP archive [+] PGPInspectLib.listRevocationCertificate - returns information for the signature contained in an OpenPGP revocation certificate [+] SignatureItem.getUserId() - returns signer User identifier if available Version Release date December 04 2013 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp [+] KeyStore.exportPubring() - exports all public keys in a pubring.pkr compatible format [+] KeyStore.exportSecring() - exports all public keys in a secring.skr compatible format [*] KeyStore.importKeyRing - fix for importing E-Business server pubring.pkr [!] PGPLib - added additional logging messages [+] KeyPairInformation.getEncryptionKeySize() - returns the size of the encryption key in bits Version Release date November 12 2013 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp [+] PGPLib.isTrialVersion() - Checks is this an evaluation instance of the library Version Release date November 07 2013 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp [+] KeyStore.setFastElGamalGeneration - sets should fast ElGamal parameters generation be performed [+] KeyStore.isFastElGamalGeneration - returns will fast ElGamal parameters generation be performed (with less checks) [*] KeyStore.containsPublicKey(String) - false was returned when a hexadecimal Key Id was supplied Version Release date November 04 2013 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp [+] KeyStore.generateRsaKeyPair - overloaded version that accepts key expiration in days [+] KeyStore.generateElGamalKeyPair - overloaded version that accepts key expiration in days Version Release date October 22 2013 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp [+] KeyStore.importKeyRing(KeyPairInformation) - allow to import a KeyPairInformation object from another KeyStore [+] KeyStore.importPublicKey(KeyPairInformation) - allow to import the public key component of a KeyPairInformation object from another KeyStore [+] KeyStore.getMaxTrustDepth() - Retrieves the maximum depth of trust inheritance [+] KeyStore.setMaxTrustDepth(int) - Sets the maximum depth of trust inheritance [+] KeyStore.getMarginalsNeeded() - Retrieves how many signatures from marginally trusted keys are needed in order a key to be considered trusted. [+] KeyStore.setMarginalsNeeded(int) - Sets how many signatures from marginally trusted keys are needed in order a key to be considered trusted Version Release date October 3 2013 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp [*] KeyStore.signPublicKey - fixed bug when signing multiple times with the same key. It was adding the same signature multiple times. Now it is added only once. [*] KeyStore.getKey(long) - fixed bug, it wasn' returning the key with ECC/OpenPGP keys. Version Release date September 19 2013 [+] added KeyPairInformation.getPreferredCompressions() - returns array of preferred compression algorithms [+] added KeyPairInformation.getPreferredCiphers() - returns array of preferred cipher algorithms [+] added KeyPairInformation.getPreferredHashes() - returns array of preferred hash algorithms [+] added KeyPairInformation.getSignedWithKeyIds() - returns a list of the key Id's that have signed this key [!] When signing a public key with a private key multiple times, the same signature was added also multiple times. This has been fixed and now only one signature from a particular secret key will exists at any time. Version Release date August 19 2013 [!] Fixed bug in KeyStore.signPublicKeyAsTrustedIntroducer Version Release date August 16 2013 [!] Added additional cleanup logic in order to process verbose keys like the ones provided by the Apache project (e.g. http://www.apache.org/dist/jackrabbit/KEYS) Version Release date August 07 2013 [!] The library has been migrated to the latest version of BouncyCastle provider 1.49. It is by default compiled for JDK 5. A backward compatible version that supports BC provier from bcprov-1.41 to bcprov-1.45 that is compiled for JDK 1.4 can be found in the Library/jdk14 folder. Version Release date July 23 2013 [+] Added logging message when loading the BouncyCastle provider. Version Release date July 15 2013 [+] Added Elliptic Curve cryptography (ECC) OpenPGP support as defind in RFC 6637. Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp [+] Added interface EcCurve that contans constants with all the supported by OpenPGP EC curves [+] Added constant Keyagorithm.EC - for Elliptic curve asymetric encryption [+] Added method KeyStore.generateEccKeyPair - for generating OepnPGP keys based on Elliptic curve cryptography [+] Added method KeyStore.generateElGamalKeyPair - for generating ElGamal (DH/DSS) OepnPGP keys with default algorithm preferences [+] Added method KeyStore.generateRsaKeyPair - for generating RSA OepnPGP keys with default algorithm preferences [+] Added method KeyStore.isSkipLucasLehmerPrimeTest() - returns will Lucas-Lehmer prime number check be skipped for ElGamal keys generation [+] Added method KeyStore.setSkipLucasLehmerPrimeTest(boolean) - sets will Lucas-Lehmer prime number check be skipped for ElGamal keys generation [+] Added method PGPKeyPair.generateEccKeyPair - for generating OepnPGP keys based on Elliptic curve cryptography [+] Added method PGPKeyPair.generateElGamalKeyPair - for generating ElGamal (DH/DSS) OepnPGP keys with default algorithm preferences [+] Added method PGPKeyPair.generateRsaKeyPair - for generating RSA OepnPGP keys with default algorithm preferences Version Release date: June 20 2013 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp.inspect [+] Added class SignatureItem - Contains information for an OpenPGP signature [+] Added method PGPInspectLib.listDetachedSignatureFile - Lists information for an OpenPGP detached signature file [+] Added method PGPInspectLib.listDetachedSignatureStream - Lists information for an OpenPGP detached signature stream Version Release date: May 20 2013 [*] Fixed KeyStore.containsPrivateKey(String) - when invoked with a hexadecimal key id parameter. It was returning true, even if there was no private key with the given hexadecimal key id. Version Release date May 16 2013 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp [+] KeyStore.purge - Clears the internal state of this key store. [+] KeyStore.addUserId - Appends an additional User Id signature to a key [+] KeyStore.deleteUserId - Removes a user Id signature from a key [+] KeyStore.changeUserId - Changes an existing user Id signature of a key [+] KeyStore.changePrimaryUserId - Changes the primary (first) user Id signature of a key [+] KeyPairInformation.getUserID - Returns the primary (first) user Id of a key Version Release date May 05 2013 [*] Improved the performance and memory footprint of the cleanup logic for corrupted ASCII armour keys. It was causing a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space error in a web application environment with multiple concurrent connections. Version Release date April 10 2013 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp [!] improved cleanup logic for corrupted ASCII armour keys [+] KeyStore.getKey(userId) - returns a KeyPairInformation for a key with a given User Id or Hexadecimal Key Id [+] KeyStore.getKey(keyId) - returns a KeyPairInformation for a key with a given Key Id [!] KeyStore.listKeys - now returns array of KeyPairInformation objects (same as getKeys()) Version Release date February 05 2013 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp [+] interface ContentDataType - holds the posibilities content types for OpenPGP data [+] PGPLib.getContentType() - returns the default content type that will be used when encrypting. The default is binary. Other posibilities are text and utf-8. [+] PGPLib.setContentType(char) - sets the default content type that will be used when encrypting. The default is binary. Other posibilities are text and utf-8. [*] PGPLib.clearSignString - fixed bug when signing multiple line messages. KeyStore class general changes [!] userId parameters are now searched by part of the User ID for example if a key has a User ID "Richard Collins" the key can be located by only "Collins". [!] the parameters that accept key User ID now also accept Key Hex ID string for example "74BB3286" or "0x74BB3286" [*] Fixed importing large .pkr and .skr keyrings from PGP(r) 6.5 into a KeyStore object [!] KeyStore(keystoreFile, password) - now if the keystore password is misspelled a com.didisoft.pgp.exceptions.WrongPasswordException is thrown. [+] KeyStore.isPartialMatchUserIds() - returns is partial searching of User IDs turned on. The default is true. [+] KeyStore.setPartialMatchUserIds(boolean) - turns on/off partial searching of User IDs. [+] KeyStore.saveToStream - Saves the key store data to a stream unprotected with a password [+] KeyStore.loadFromStream(keyStream) - loads the key store data from an unprotected stream [+] KeyStore.loadFromStream(keyStream, password) - loads the key store data from a protected stream Version Release date December 12 2012 Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp [+] KeyPairInformation.keyId2Hex - a method that converts a Key ID of type long to a hexadecimal string Key ID (used in PGP(r) and GnuPG/gpg) [*] KeyStore.generateKeyPair - keys with expiration date are now recognized by Authora EDGE Changes in package com.didisoft.pgp.inspect [+] PGPInspectLib.isSignedOnly(InputStream) [+] PGPInspectLib.listSigningKeyIds(InputStream) [+] PGPInspectLib.isPublicKeyEncrypted(InputStream) [+] PGPInspectLib.listEncryptionKeyIds(InputStream) [+] PGPInspectLib.isPBEEncrypted(InputStream) Version Release date November 05 2012 Package com.didisoft.pgp [*] KeyStore.generateKeyPair - fixed error when generating bigger than 1024 bit ELGAMAL keys Version Release date October 22 2012 Package com.didisoft.pgp [*] PGPLib.signAndEncryptStream - encrypted output stream was not closed correctly in binary mode Package com.didisoft.pgp.isnpect [+] PGPInspectLib.listOpenPGPFile(String signedFileName) - lists the contents of a signed only file [+] PGPInspectLib.listOpenPGPStream(InputStream) - lists the contents of a signed only stream Version 2.6.0 Release date October 08 2012 [!] PGPLib.encryptFile - throws additionally java.io.IOException [!] PGPLib.encryptFilePBE - throws additionally java.io.IOException [!] PGPLib.encryptStream - throws additionally java.io.IOException [!] PGPLib.encryptStreamPBE - throws additionally java.io.IOException [+] KeyStore.openInMemory - static constructor for creating an In-memory located KeyStore [+] KeyStore.openFile - static constructor for creating a file based KeyStore Note: The migration guide from version 2.5.x to version 2.6.0 can be found in the Documentation.pdf file that ships with the library. Version 2.5.9 Release date October 08 2012 [!] Fixed JavaDoc documentation for all com.didisoft.pgp.PGPLib methods [+] Added additional debug java.logging messages [+] Added new exception sub class com.didisoft.pgp.exceptions.FileIsPBEEncryptedException [+] Added method KeyStore.getUsePrecomputedPrimes() - gets should precomputed prime numbers be used when generating ElGamal keys [+] Added method KeyStore.setUsePrecomputedPrimes() - sets should precomputed prime numbers be used when generating ElGamal keys Version 2.5.8 Last Updated on July 11 [*] Fixed cleanup of FileCrypt eBusiness 3.7.2 keys Release date March 6, 2012 [+] Introduced Java logging on livel FINE for inspecting the internal work of the Library [*] Fixed bug when creating an uncompressed one pass signed and yencrypted archive. [!] Decripting methods now check the integrity protection of the data [!] KeyStore.generateKeyPair now returns a KeyPairInformation instance representing the generated key [!] KeyStore.importKeyRing now returns an array of KeyPairInformation instances representing the imported key [!] KeyStore.importPublicKey now returns an array of KeyPairInformation instances representing the imported key [!] KeyStore.importPrivateKey now returns an array of KeyPairInformation instances representing the imported key [+] Added interface TrustLevel that holds constants for the most common trust values Added package com.didisoft.pgp.inspect [+] Added class com.didisoft.pgp.inspect.PGPInspectLib that provides methods for inspecting the content of OpenPGP data [+] Added class com.didisoft.pgp.inspect.ContentItem that represents information for an item in an OpenPGP archive Added methods for marking a public key as trusted introducer [+] KeyStore.signPublicKeyAsTrustedIntroducer(long keyId, long signKeyId, String signPassword) [+] KeyStore.signPublicKeyAsTrustedIntroducer(String keyUserId, String signKeyUserId, String signPassword) Added methods for explicitly setting the trust of a key located in a KeyStore [+] KeyStore.setTrust(String keyUserId, byte trustValue) [+] KeyStore.setTrust(long keyId, byte trustValue) Added methods for checking the trust value of a given key [+] KeyStore.isTrusted(String keyUserId) [+] KeyStore.isTrusted(long keyId) [+] KeyPairInformation.getTrust() Version 2.5.7 August 25, 2011 [*] Fixed cleanup of half encrypted files after an exception for all methods. [*] Fixed bug when importing keys from PGP 6.5 into a KeyStore [!] KeyStore.importPrivateKey now throws also NoPrivateKeyFoundException (extends PGPException) if the specified file does not contain a private key. [+] Added method static KeyStore.checkPassword(keystoreFile, password) - checks is a given password for a keystore file correct. [+] Added method PGPLib.decryptAndVerifyFileTo - decrypts a file content with its original name(s) into a folder [+] Added method PGPLib.decryptAndVerifyStreamTo - decrypts a stream content with its original name(s) into a folder [+] Added method PGPLib.setUseExpiredKeys(true) - switches on/off the check are the encryption keys expired [+] Added method PGPLib.setUseRevokedKeys(true) - switches on/off the check are the encryption keys revoked [+] Added method PGPLib.isUseExpiredKeys() - returns the state of the check are the encryption keys expired [+] Added method PGPLib.isUseRevokedKeys() - returns the state of the check are the encryption keys revoked [+] Added method KeyPairInformation.checkPassword(password) - checks if a password for a private key is correct. [+] Added method KeyPairInformation.hasPrivateKey() - returns is there a private key in this key pair. [+] Added method KeyPairInformation.isExpired() - indicates is the public key expired [+] Added method KeyPairInformation.isExpiredOnDate(java.util.Date) - returns whether this key will be expired on a given date New Exceptions: [+] Added class com.didisoft.pgp.exceptions.NonPGPDataException (extends PGPException) thrown from all decrypt and decryptAndVerify methods when the supplied for decryption data is not an OpenPGP message. [+] Added class com.didisoft.pgp.exceptions.KeyIsExpiredException (extends PGPException) thrown from all encrypt and signAndEncrypt methods when the supplied public key is expired. Can be suppressed with PGPLib.setUseExpiredKeys(true) [+] Added class com.didisoft.pgp.exceptions.KeyIsRevokedException (extends PGPException) thrown from all encrypt and signAndEncrypt methods when the supplied public key is revoked. Can be suppressed with PGPLib.setUseRevokedKeys(true) Version 2.5.6 May 24, 2011 [+] pgplib.jar is now digitally signed! [+] Added class PGPKeyPair extending KeyPairInformation that represents keys loaded from files and also provides methods for generating keys without the need of a KeyStore. [+] Added KeyPairInformation.exportKeyRing [+] Added KeyPairInformation.exportPrivateKey [+] Added KeyPairInformation.exportPublicKey [+] Added KeyPairInformation.exportPublicKey [*] Fixed bug with openning empty key store file (for example created from a new temp file) Version 2.5.5 March 28, 2011 New exceptions extending PGPException: [+] Package com.didisoft.pgp.exceptions - containing exceptions that extend org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPException [+] Added class com.didisoft.pgp.exceptions.WrongPrivateKeyException - exception to indicate that we have supplied a wrong decryption private key [+] Added class com.didisoft.pgp.exceptions.WrongPasswordException - exception to indicate that we have supplied a wrong password [+] Added class com.didisoft.pgp.exceptions.NoPrivateKeyFoundException - exception to indicate that a private key has not been found [+] Added class com.didisoft.pgp.exceptions.NoPublicKeyFoundException - exception to indicate that a public key has not been found [+] Added class com.didisoft.pgp.exceptions.FileIsEncryptedException - exception to indicate that a file is encrypted Multiple files encryption: [+] Added method PGPLib.encryptFiles - for encryption of multiple files into a single OpenPGP file [+] Added method PGPLib.decryptFileTo - decrypts multi file OpenPGP archive created with PGP Desktop 9+ into a folder [+] Added method PGPLib.decryptStreamTo - decrypts multi file OpenPGP archive stream created with PGP Desktop 9+ into a folder Decryption of password based encrypted (PBE) files: [+] Added method PGPLib.decryptFilePBE - to decrypt password encrypted PGP files. Changes: [!] PGPLib.verifyStream - throws FileIsEncryptedException (extends PGPException) if the stream is aslo encrypted [!] PGPLib.verifyFile - throws FileIsEncryptedException (extends PGPException) if the stream is aslo encrypted [!] KeyStore is now Serializable [!] KeyStore.exportPrivateKey - now throws NoPrivateKeyFoundException instead of PGPException [!] KeyStore.exportPublicKey - now throws NoPublicKeyFoundException instead of PGPException [+] Added method KeyStore.deletePrivateKey - deletes specified private key from the KeyStore [+] Added method KeyStore.deletePublicKey - deletes specified public key from the KeyStore [+] Added method KeyStore.containsPublicKey - returns true if a specified public key exists in this KeyStore [+] Added method KeyStore.containsPrivateKey - returns true if a specified private key exists in this KeyStore Bug fixes: [*] PGPLib.verifyStream - now returns false if the supplied public key stream is not the matching this signed stream [*] PGPLib.verifyFile - now returns false if the supplied public key stream is not the matching this signed stream [*] PGPLib.decryptAndVerifyFile - now returns false if the supplied public key file is not the matching this signed file [*] PGPLib.decryptAndVerifyStream - now returns false if the supplied public key file is not the matching this signed stream Version 2.5.4 January 27, 2011 [+] Added sub class KeyPairInformation.SubKey - represents sub key in a key ring [+] Added KeyPairInformation.isRevoked() - returns is this key pair revoked [+] Added KeyPairInformation.isEncryptionKey() - returns can this key be used for encryption [+] Added KeyPairInformation.isSigningKey() - returns can this key be used for signing [+] Added KeyPairInformation.getPublicSubKeys() - returns the public sub keys for this key pair [+] Added KeyPairInformation.getPrivateSubKeys() - returns the private sub keys for this key pair [+] Added KeyStore.containsKey(long keyId) - returns is there a key with the specified Key Id [+] Added class RevocationLib that provides Key Revocation features Version 2.5.3 November 30, 2010 [!] KeyPairInformation.getKeyIDHex() has been changed to display the same Hex string as GnuPG and PGP (r). [+] Added KeyStore.getUserIds() - list of all User Id's of the keys in this KeyStore instance [+] Added KeyStore.getKeyHexIds() - list of all Key Id's in Hex form of the keys in this KeyStore instance [+] Added KeyStore.getKeyIdForUserId(userId) returns the first Key ID for a given User Id [+] Added KeyStore. getKeyIdForKeyIdHex(keyIdHex) returns the first Key ID for a given Key Hex Id [!] KeyStore.listKeys() is modified to print similar output as PGP (r) 6.5 [+] Added KeyStore.setAutoSave(boolean) should the KeyStore file be auto saved after each operation. [+] Added KeyStore.isAutoSave() that returns the auto saved status. [+] Added KeyStore.isBackupOnSave() that returns is backup file creation on. [+] Added KeyStore.setBackupOnSave(boolean) that sets should the old status of KeyStore be saved in a file with the same name and extension .bak Version 2.5.2 November 10, 2010 [+] Added methods PGPLib.encryptFile with support of KeyStore [+] Added methods PGPLib.verifyFile with support of KeyStore [+] Added methods PGPLib.verifyFile with support of KeyStore Version 2.5.1 September 10, 2010 [+] Added interface CompressionAlgorithm with constants for available compression algorithms. [+] Added interface HashAlgorithm with constants for available hashing algorithms. [+] Added interface CypherAlgorithm with constants for available cypher compression algorithms. [+] Added methods PGPLib.getCompression() and setCompression(int), that controls the used compression algorithm to be used during encryption. [+] Added methods PGPLib.getHash() and setHash(String), that controls the used hashing algorithm to be used during encryption. [+] Added methods PGPLib.getCypher() and setCypher(String), that controls the prefered symmetric cypher algorithm to be used during encryption. [+] Added method KeyStore.importKeyRing, that imports both public and private key (if present) from one file. [+] Added method KeyStore.exportKeyRing, that exports both public and private key (if present) in one file. [+] Added method PGPLib.encryptFilePBE that makes the encrypted archive available for decryption with both private key and (if lost or not available) a pass phrase. [*] Fixed error while deleting key pair from KeyStore, when only public key exists. [*] Fixed decryption of multi-recipient pgp files. Version 2.4.3 July 30, 2010 [!] Improved generation of 2048/1024 DH/DSS keys. [+] Added method PGPLib.encryptStream that accepts Keys Store. Version 2.4.2 May 16, 2010 [*] Fixed bug with storing private key in KeyStore after public key was imported. [!] Documentation.pdf is transformed to html. Version 2.4 March 21, 2010 [+] Added method PGPLib.clearSignVersion3 [+] Added method PGPLib.clearSignString [+] Added method PGPLib.clearSignStringVersion3 [+] Added method KeyStore.generateKeyPair with support for key expiration date [!] Improved speed of methods working with large files. [!] Switched to bcprov-ext-jdk14-145.jar [!] verifyFile and verifyStream methods support clear signed format. Version 2.32.1 March 5, 2010 [+] Added method clearSign Version 2.32 January 30, 2010 [!] Library JAR file is renamed to reflect the version number - for example current version is pgplib-2.32.jar [!] method PGPLib.verifyFile(String dataFileName, String publicKeyFileName) is deprecatad [!] method PGPLib.verifyFile(InputStream dataFileStream, InputStream publicKeyStream) is deprecated [+] Added method PGPLib.verifyFile(String dataFileName, String publicKeyFileName, String outputFileName) [+] Added method PGPLib.verifyStream(InputStream dataFileStream, InputStream publicKeyStream, OutputStream ouputFileStream) [+] Added method PGPLib.signAndEncryptStream(dataFileStream, internalFileName, keyStore, signUserId, privateKeyPassword, encUsedId, outputStream, asciiArmor, withIntegrityCheck) Version 2.3.1 December 15, 2009 [+] Added method KeyStore.deleteKeyPair. [+] Added method KeyStore.changePrivateKeyPassword. [!] Method PGPLib.decryptAndVerifyFile now supports OpenPGP version 3 format (usually produced from PGP software version 2.x) [+] Added method signAndEncryptFileVersion3 (Supports OpenPGP version 3 signature format) [+] Added method signAndEncryptStreamVersion3 (Supports OpenPGP version 3 signature format) [+] Added method signFileVersion3 (Supports OpenPGP version 3 signature format) [+] Added method signStreamVersion3 (Supports OpenPGP version 3 signature format) Version 2.2.2 November 15, 2009 [+] Added method KeyStore.exportPublicKey. [+] Added method KeyStore.exportPrivateKey. [+] Added method KeyStore.generateKeyPair. [!] Method KeyStore.importPrivateKey(String privateKeyFileName) is now deprecated. [+] Added method KeyStore.importPrivateKey(String privateKeyFileName, String password). Version 2.2.1 October 28, 2009 [!] Method importPublickKey made deprecated. [+] Method importPublicKey implemented. Should be used instead of importPublickKey. [+] Method generateKeyPair implemented. Version 2.1.0 June 2, 2009 [+] Introduced Overloaded methods for encryption, decryption, sign and encrypt, decrypt and verify without the need of keystore. Version 2.0.0 April 8, 2009 [!] The Library is rewritten in Java, with no external dependencies. Uses BouncyCastle OpenPGP provider for the low level OpenPGP operations. Version 1.0.0 January 12, 2009 [+] First version of the library. Wraps GnuPG command line utility, with methods for encryption, decryption, sign and encrypt, decrypt and verify.