Name |
Description |
Annotations |
Chart annotation collection. (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
AntiAliasing |
Specifies whether smoothing (antialiasing) is applied while drawing chart. (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
BackColor |
Background color for the Chart (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
BackGradientEndColor |
The second color which is used for a gradient (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
BackGradientType |
A type for the background gradient (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
BackHatchStyle |
Back Hatch style (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
BackImage |
Chart area background image (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
BackImageAlign |
Background image alignment used by ClampUnscale drawing mode. (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
BackImageMode |
Chart area background image drawing mode. (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
BackImageTranspColor |
Background image transparent color. (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
BorderColor |
Border color for the Chart (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
BorderSkinAttributes |
Chart border skin style. (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
BorderStyle |
The style of the border line (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
BorderWidth |
The width of the border line (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
ChartAreas |
Reference to chart area collection (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
Compression |
Image compression value |
DataManipulator |
Series Data Manipulator (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
DataSource |
The data source used to populate series data. The Series ValueMember properties must be also set. |
Height |
Chart height (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
ImageType |
Image type (Jpeg, BMP, Png, Svg, Flash) |
Legend |
Reference to the default legend object (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
Legends |
Chart legend collection. (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
MapAreas |
Chart map areas collection. (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
MapEnabled |
Indicates that chart image map is enabled. (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
SoftShadows |
Indicates that smoothing is applied while drawing shadows. (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
TextAntiAliasingQuality |
Specifies the quality of text antialiasing. (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
Title |
Chart title (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
TitleFont |
Title font (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
TitleFontColor |
Font color of the title (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
Titles |
Chart title collection. (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
UI |
Chart command user interface. (Inherited from ChartPicture) |
Width |
Chart width (Inherited from ChartPicture) |