Dundas Chart for ASP.NET
CustomLabel Constructor(Double,Double,String,LabelRow,LabelMark)
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Dundas.Charting.WebControl Namespace > CustomLabel Class > CustomLabel Constructor : CustomLabel Constructor(Double,Double,String,LabelRow,LabelMark)

The beginning of the axis range the label applies to.

From property of the CustomLabel object. The beginning of the axis range the label applies to (e.g. 1.5).

From position.
The end of the axis range the label applies to.

To property of the CustomLabel object. The end of the axis range the label applies to (e.g. 2.5).

To position.

Text property of the CustomLabel object. The label text.

Label text.

Row property of the CustomLabel object. The row the label is for.

Label row.

LabelMark property of the CustomLabel object. Label mark, if specified.

Label mark.

Creates and initializes a new instance of the CustomLabel class.

Custom label constructor


Visual Basic (Declaration)  
Public Function New( _
   ByVal fromPosition As Double, _
   ByVal toPosition As Double, _
   ByVal text As String, _
   ByVal row As LabelRow, _
   ByVal mark As LabelMark _
Visual Basic (Usage) Copy Code
Dim fromPosition As Double
Dim toPosition As Double
Dim text As String
Dim row As LabelRow
Dim mark As LabelMark
Dim instance As CustomLabel(fromPosition, toPosition, text, row, mark)
public CustomLabel( 
   double fromPosition,
   double toPosition,
   string text,
   LabelRow row,
   LabelMark mark


The beginning of the axis range the label applies to.

From property of the CustomLabel object. The beginning of the axis range the label applies to (e.g. 1.5).

From position.
The end of the axis range the label applies to.

To property of the CustomLabel object. The end of the axis range the label applies to (e.g. 2.5).

To position.

Text property of the CustomLabel object. The label text.

Label text.

Row property of the CustomLabel object. The row the label is for.

Label row.

LabelMark property of the CustomLabel object. Label mark, if specified.

Label mark.


This constructor can be used to create and initialize a new instance of the CustomLabel class. The arguments are used to set the CustomLabel object's properties.

However, we recommend adding custom labels using the CustomLabelsCollection property's Add method.

Note that the To and From properties determine the axis range the label is applied, and should not be set to the same value.


Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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