Dundas Chart for ASP.NET
Legend Class Members
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Dundas.Charting.WebControl Namespace : Legend Class

The following tables list the members exposed by Legend.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor Legend Constructor Overloaded. Constructor.
Public constructor that creates an un-initialized Legend object.  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property Alignment

Gets or sets the legend's alignment.

Legend alignment  
Public Property AutoFitMinFontSize Gets or sets the minimum font size that can be used by the legend text's auto-fitting algorithm.
Minimum font size that can be used by the legend text auto-fitting algorithm.  
Public Property AutoFitText

Gets or sets a value that indicates if legend text is automatically sized.

Legend text automatic fitting flag  
Public Property BackColor

Gets or sets the background color of a legend.

Legend background color  
Public Property BackGradientEndColor

Gets or sets the secondary color of a legend.

Legend background gradient end color  
Public Property BackGradientType

Gets or sets the orientation of a legend.

Legend background gradient type.  
Public Property BackHatchStyle

Gets or sets the hatching style of a legend.

Legend hatch style  
Public Property BackImage

Gets or sets the background image of a legend.

Legend background image  
Public Property BackImageAlign

Gets or sets the alignment of a legend.

Background image alignment used by ClampUnscale drawing mode.  
Public Property BackImageMode

Gets or sets the drawing mode of a legend.

Legend background image drawing mode.  
Public Property BackImageTranspColor

Gets or sets the color of a legend.

Background image transparent color.  
Public Property BorderColor

Gets or sets the border color of a legend.

Legend border color  
Public Property BorderStyle

Gets or sets the border style of a legend.

Legend border style  
Public Property BorderWidth

Gets or sets the border width of a legend.

Legend border width  
Public Property CellColumns Gets a reference to the legend's columns collection.
Legend columns collection.  
Public Property CustomItems

Gets a LegendItemsCollection object, used for custom legend items.

Legend custom items collection  
Public Property Docking

Gets or sets a value that determines where the legend is docked.

Legend docking  
Public Property DockInsideChartArea

Gets or sets a boolean value that determines if the legend is docked inside or outside of a ChartArea object.

Indicates that the legend is docked inside the chart area. This property is only available when DockToChartArea is set.  
Public Property DockToChartArea

Gets or sets a string value that identifies the name of the ChartArea object that this Legend should be docked.

Chart area name the legend is docked to inside or outside.  
Public Property Enabled

Gets or sets a value that determines if the legend is enabled.

Legend enabled flag  
Public Property EquallySpacedItems

Gets or sets a boolean value that determines if legend items are equally spaced.

Indicates that all legend items are equally spaced.  
Public Property Font

Gets or sets a Font object, used to set font properties of the legend.

Legend font  
Public Property FontColor

Gets or sets the font color of the legend..

Legend font color  
Public Property HeaderSeparator Gets or sets the legend header's visual separator type.
Legend header visual separator type.  
Public Property HeaderSeparatorColor Gets or sets the legend header's separator color.
Legend header visual separator color.  
Public Property InterlacedRows Determines if legend rows will be drawn with interlaced background color.
Indicate that legend rows should be drawn with interlaced background color.  
Public Property InterlacedRowsColor Gets or sets the legend interlaced row's background color. Only applicable if interlaced rows are used.
Legend interlaced rows background color.  
Public Property ItemColumnSeparator Gets or sets the legend table column's visual separator type.
Legend table columns visual separator type.  
Public Property ItemColumnSeparatorColor Gets or sets the legend table column's separator color.
Legend table columns visual separator color.  
Public Property ItemColumnSpacing

Gets or sets the legend table column spacing. Calculated as a percentage of the legend text font.

Legend table column spacing calculated as a percentage of the legend text font.  
Public Property LegendStyle

Gets or sets the legend's style.

Legend style  
Public Property MaxAutoSize Gets or sets the maximum size of the legend auto position.
Maximum size of the legend auto position. If legend docked to the left or right it determines the max width of legen in percentage. If legend docked to the top or bottomit determines the max height.  
Public Property Name Gets or sets the legend's name.
Legend name.  
Public Property Position

Gets or sets an ElementPosition object, which can be used to get or set the legend's position.

Legend rectangle position  
Public Property Reversed Determines if legend items are shown in a reversed order. This property only affects legend items automatically added to a chart series, and has no effect on custom legend items.
Indicates that legend items are shown in the reversed order. This property only affects legend items automatically added for the chart series and has no effect on custom legend items.  
Public Property ShadowColor

Gets or sets the shadow color of the legend.

Legend shadow color  
Public Property ShadowOffset

Gets or sets the shadow offset (in pixels) of the legend.

Legend shadow offset  
Public Property TableStyle Gets the legend's table style, applicable if the LegendStyle is set to Table.
Legend table style.  
Public Property TextWrapThreshold Gets or sets the number of characters in the legend text after which text will be wrapped.
Defines preferred number of characters in the legend text after which it will be wrapped.  
Public Property Title Gets or sets the legend title's text.
Legend title text.  
Public Property TitleAlignment Gets or sets the legend title's alignment.
Legend title horizontal text alignment.  
Public Property TitleBackColor Gets or sets the legend title's background color.
Legend title text background color.  
Public Property TitleColor Gets or sets the legend title's foreground color.
Legend title text color.  
Public Property TitleFont Gets or sets the legend title's font.
Legend title font.  
Public Property TitleSeparator Gets or sets the legend title's visual separator type.
Legend title visual separator type.  
Public Property TitleSeparatorColor Gets or sets the legend title's separator color.
Legend title visual separator color.  

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public Method Dispose  

See Also

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