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Aligning Data
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Two Series are considered to be "aligned" if they have the same number of data points, and the X values of corresponding points are equal. For example, you would consider two series to be aligned if the first points in all of their series have the same X values, and the second points in all of their series have the same X values, and so on. Figure 1 below illustrates aligned, and unaligned Series.


Figure 1: Illustrates two Series, one is unaligned (shown left), the other is aligned (shown right).

Exceptions Alert

In the following situations, if multiple series are used and not aligned, then an exception will be thrown:

Aligning Series

If several non-aligned series store the same type of data, and the X value range for these is similar, then they can be aligned using one of the following techniques:

Common Alignment Issues and Solutions

This lists possible alignment issues and ways to solve them:

Not all series can be aligned since alignment depends on the type of data points and their values ranges. For example, let's assume two series are using their X values to store the date of a sale and their Y values for the sale amount. The first series has sales information for the year 1995 and the second series for 2001. In this case aligning these series does not make any sense due to the vastly different date of sales. Another good example would be when two series have incompatible X value types (e.g. one series uses its X values to store dates while the other one uses its X values to store the serial number of the product sold).

See Also