Dundas.SharePoint.Charting.WebParts Send comments on this topic.
Command Class Members
See Also  Fields  Properties  Methods 
Dundas.Charting.WebControl Namespace : Command Class

The following tables list the members exposed by Command.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor Command Constructor Initialize a new instance of Command object.  

Protected Fields

  Name Description
Protected Field disposed True if object is disposed by force (Inherited from CommandElement)

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property CommandID Gets or sets the unique identifier of the command.  
Public Property CommandType Gets or sets the command type. The command type determines the functionality of the command being executed.  
Public Property Description Gets or sets the description text for the command. This is displayed as a tooltip on the toolbar.  
Public Property Enabled Gets or sets the enabled flag for the command. Determines if the command can be executed.  
Public Property Image Gets or sets the image of the command.  
Public Property ImageTranspColor Gets or sets a color used for transparency when drawing an image in toolbar and context menu.  
Public Property Index Gets or sets the index of the command which determines the position of the command within the collection.  
Public Property Name Gets the unique name of the command.  
Public Property Parameters The command parameter which is used to execute this command.  
Public Property PopupStyle Gets or sets the style of the pop-up object, displayed for commands with one or more sub-commands.  
Public Property Shortcut Gets or sets a value indicating the shortcut key associated with the command.  
Public Property SubCommands Gets the SubCommands collection of the command.  
Public Property SupportedElements Gets or sets the supported elements of the command.  
Public Property Text Gets or sets the text of the command that appears on both the toolbar and context menu.  
Public Property Toggled Gets or sets the toggled flag for the command.  
Public Property ToggleGroupID Gets or sets the group ID of the command. If not zero, all elements with this value will be grouped together exhibiting the same behavior as a radio button list.  
Public Property ToggleStyle Determines the toggle behavior in the toolbar and context menu.  
Public Property UseLastSubCommand Determines if the last sub-command executed will be set as the default behavior.  
Public Property Visible Gets or sets the visibility attribute of the command on the toolbar and context menu.  

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public Method Dispose Implement IDisposable. (Inherited from CommandElement)
Public Method Execute Overloaded.  Executes the command without parameters.  
Public Method GetImage Gets the image associated with the command.  
Public Method IsEnabled Overloaded.  Evaluates the enabled state of the command.  
Public Method IsToggled Overloaded.  Evaluates the pressed state of the command.  
Public Method SetDefaultSubCommand Sets a sub-command as a default one.  
Public Method ToString Overridden.  Returns a string that represents the current command.  

See Also