Dundas.SharePoint.Charting.WebParts Send comments on this topic.
CommandUI Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Dundas.Charting.WebControl Namespace : CommandUI Class

The following tables list the members exposed by CommandUI.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor CommandUI Constructor Overloaded.  Create new instance of CommandUI object.  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property CommandName Determines the Command in CommandCollection in order to link this CommandUI with.  
Public Property Component Gets the component which is connected to this CommandUI.  
Public Property EnableImage Gets and sets boolean value which determines whether or not to show image in control automaticaly.  
Public Property EnableText Gets and sets boolean value which determines whether or not to show Command text in the control automaticaly.  
Public Property EnableTooltip Gets and sets boolean value which determines whether or not to show command desctiption as tooltip in the control automaticaly.  
Public Property Parameters Gets and sets the parameter which is passed to command to execute  

Protected Properties

  Name Description
Protected Property Owner Gets the ChartUI of the chart. Returns null if this CommandUI is registered.  

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public Method Equals Overridden.  Tests whether the given object is equal to this object.  
Public Method GetHashCode Overridden.  Returns the hash code of this object.  

Protected Methods

  Name Description
Protected Method DoAttach Represents notification to initialize event hooks for components which is not supported. The supported components are MenuItem, Button and ToolBarButton. Should be overided and result should be true.  
Protected Method DoDetach Represents notification to deinitialize event hooks (unhook events) for components which is not supported. The supported components are MenuItem, Button and ToolBarButton. Should be overided and result should be true.  
Protected Method DoUpdateUI This method can be overriden in order to process user interface update events.  

See Also