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LegendCellColumn Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Dundas.Charting.WebControl Namespace : LegendCellColumn Class

The following tables list the members exposed by LegendCellColumn.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor LegendCellColumn Constructor Overloaded.  Default public object constructor.  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property Alignment Legend column content alignment. This is only applicable to items that are automatically generated for the series.  
Public Property BackColor Legend column text color.  
Public Property ColumnType Legend column type. This is only applicable to items that are automatically generated for the series.  
Public Property Font Legend column text font.  
Public Property HeaderBackColor Legend column header back color.  
Public Property HeaderColor Legend column header text color.  
Public Property HeaderFont Legend column header text font.  
Public Property HeaderText Legend column header text.  
Public Property HeaderTextAlignment Legend header text horizontal text alignment.  
Public Property Href URL target of the legend items automatically generated for the series.  
Public Property MapAreaAttributes Other attributes of the legend items automatically generated for the series.  
Public Property Margins Legend column margins (as a percentage of legend font size). This is only applicable to items that are automatically generated for the series.  
Public Property MaximumWidth Legend column maximum width (as a percentage of legend font size). Set this property to -1 for automatic calculation.  
Public Property MinimumWidth Legend column minimum width (as a percentage of legend font size). Set this property to -1 for automatic calculation.  
Public Property Name Legend column name.  
Public Property SeriesSymbolSize Legend column series symbol size of the items automatically generated for the series (as a percentage of legend font size).  
Public Property Text Legend column text. This is only applicable to items that are automatically generated for the series. Set ColumnType to Text to use this property.  
Public Property TextColor Legend column text color.  
Public Property ToolTip Legend column tooltip. This is only applicable to items that are automatically generated for the series.  

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public Method GetLegend Gets legend this column belongs too.  

Protected Methods

  Name Description
Protected Method Invalidate Invalidates legend associated with column.  

See Also