Dundas.SharePoint.Charting.WebParts Send comments on this topic.
LegendItem Class Members
See Also  Fields  Properties 
Dundas.Charting.WebControl Namespace : LegendItem Class

The following tables list the members exposed by LegendItem.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor LegendItem Constructor Overloaded.  Default legend item constructor  

Public Fields

  Name Description
Public Field Legend Legend object the item belongs to.  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property BackGradientEndColor The second color which is used for a gradient  
Public Property BackGradientType A type for the background gradient  
Public Property BackHatchStyle Back hatch style  
Public Property BackImageTranspColor Background image transparent color.  
Public Property BorderColor Border color.  
Public Property BorderStyle Line style  
Public Property BorderWidth Line width  
Public Property Cells Collection of legend item cells.  
Public Property Color Legend item color.  
Public Property Enabled Legend item enabled flag.  
Public Property Href URL target of the area.  
Public Property Image Legend item image.  
Public Property MapAreaAttributes Other attributes of the area.  
Public Property MarkerBorderColor Legend item marker border color  
Public Property MarkerBorderWidth Marker border width.  
Public Property MarkerColor Legend item marker color  
Public Property MarkerImage Legend item marker image  
Public Property MarkerImageTranspColor Legend item marker image transparent color.  
Public Property MarkerSize Legend item marker size  
Public Property MarkerStyle Legend item marker style  
Public Property Name Legend item text.  
Public Property Separator Legend item visual separator type.  
Public Property SeparatorColor Legend item visual separator color.  
Public Property SeriesName Legend item series name.  
Public Property SeriesPointIndex Legend item series data point index.  
Public Property ShadowColor Legend item shadow color  
Public Property ShadowOffset Legend item shadow offset.  
Public Property Style Legend item picture style.  
Public Property Tag Object associated with legend item.  
Public Property ToolTip Tooltip of the area.  

See Also