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CommandSeparator Class Members
See Also  Fields  Methods 
Dundas.Charting.WebControl.Commands Namespace : CommandSeparator Class

The following tables list the members exposed by CommandSeparator.

Protected Fields

  Name Description
Protected Field description Description of the command, retrieved from resource (Inherited from CommandExecutor)
Protected Field imageName The image name of the command (Inherited from CommandExecutor)
Protected Field name Name of the command, retrieved from resource (Inherited from CommandExecutor)
Protected Field Params Parced params (Inherited from CommandExecutor)
Protected Field shortcut Default shortcut of the command (Inherited from CommandExecutor)
Protected Field style Default toggle style (Inherited from CommandExecutor)
Protected Field text Text of the command, retrieved from resource (Inherited from CommandExecutor)
Protected Field type The chart command type (Inherited from CommandExecutor)

Protected Methods

  Name Description
Protected Method GenerateImage Generates command image( icon ) - Gainsboro rectangle with thin vertical LightGray line.  
Protected Method GetCommandIType Gets defined CommandInterfaceType of this command executor (Inherited from CommandExecutor)
Protected Method GetCommandPopupStyle Gets defined CommandPopupStyle of this command executor. Default is Menu. (Inherited from CommandExecutor)
Protected Method GetImageName Overridden.  Gets image name registered in Chart.NamedImageCollection or dynamicaly loaded from resources. In this case image name is not real because the class implement ICommandSupplyImage  
Protected Method GetSubCommandTypes Gets array of ChartCommandType which represents default sub commands. (Inherited from CommandExecutor)
Protected Method GetSupportedElements Returns set of supportwd elements of this command (Inherited from CommandExecutor)
Protected Method LoadProperty Loads property (string) from string resource. (Inherited from CommandExecutor)
Protected Method SetDefaultItems Reads object fields from resources (Inherited from CommandExecutor)

See Also