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AnovaResult Class Members
See Also  Properties 
Dundas.Charting.WebControl Namespace : AnovaResult Class

The following tables list the members exposed by AnovaResult.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor AnovaResult Constructor  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property DegreeOfFreedomBetweenGroups Degree of freedom between groups.  
Public Property DegreeOfFreedomTotal Total degree of freedom.  
Public Property DegreeOfFreedomWithinGroups Degree of freedom whitin groups.  
Public Property FCriticalValue F critical value.  
Public Property FRatio F ratio.  
Public Property MeanSquareVarianceBetweenGroups Mean square variance between groups.  
Public Property MeanSquareVarianceWithinGroups Mean square variance within groups.  
Public Property SumOfSquaresBetweenGroups Sum of squares between groups.  
Public Property SumOfSquaresTotal Total sum of squares.  
Public Property SumOfSquaresWithinGroups Sum of squares whitin groups.  

See Also