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AxisLabels Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Dundas.Charting.WebControl Namespace : AxisLabels Class

The following tables list the members exposed by AxisLabels.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor AxisLabels Constructor Default constructor  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property Crossing Point where axis is crossed by another axis. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property CustomLabels Custom labels collection.  
Public Property Enabled Enables or disables the axis. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property IntervalAutoMode Determines if fixed number of intervals used on the axis or number of intervals depends on the axis size. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property LabelStyle Label object  
Public Property LogarithmBase Base of the logarithm used in logarithmic scale. By default this value is 10. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property Logarithmic Logarithmic scale recalculate the values shown in the Minimum, Maximum, boxes as powers of LogarithmBase for the value axis, based on the range of data. No zeros or negative data values are permitted on logarithmic charts. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property Margin If true, a space is added between the first and the last data points and the border of chart area. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property Maximum Maximum axis value (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property Minimum The Minimum Axis value (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property Reverse The values on the axis are in reverse order. The direction of values on the axis is flipped. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property ScaleBreakStyle Axis automatic scale breaks style. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property ScrollBar Axis scroll bar settings. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property StartFromZero If true, this property will set auto minimum value to zero if all data point values are positive. Otherwise, minimum value from data points will be used. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property View Axis data view settings. (Inherited from AxisScale)

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public Method Dispose Overloaded.  (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Method GetPosition This function converts axis value to relative position (0-100%). If an axis has logarithmic scale, value is converted to a linear scale. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Method PixelPositionToValue This function converts pixel position to an axis value. If an axis has logarithmic scale, value is converted to a linear scale. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Method PositionToValue This function converts relative position to an axis value. If an axis has logarithmic scale, value is converted to a linear scale. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Method ValueToPixelPosition This function converts an axis value to pixel position. If an axis has logarithmic scale, value is converted to a linear scale. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Method ValueToPosition This function converts an axis value to relative position (0-100%). If an axis has logarithmic scale, value is converted to a linear scale. (Inherited from AxisScale)

See Also