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AxisScaleBreakStyle Class Members
See Also  Properties 
Dundas.Charting.WebControl Namespace : AxisScaleBreakStyle Class

The following tables list the members exposed by AxisScaleBreakStyle.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor AxisScaleBreakStyle Constructor Overloaded.  Default object constructor.  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property BreakLineType Type of the scale break line.  
Public Property CollapsibleSpaceThreshold Minimum axis scale region size, in percentage of total axis length, that can be collapsed with the scale break.  
Public Property Enabled Gets or sets a flag which determines if axis automatic scale breaks are enabled.  
Public Property LineColor Axis scale break line color.  
Public Property LineStyle Axis scale break line width.  
Public Property LineWidth Axis scale break line width.  
Public Property MaxNumberOfBreaks Maximum number of scale breaks that can be used.  
Public Property Spacing Axis scale break spacing.  
Public Property StartFromZero Indicates if one of the axis segments should start it's scale from zero when scale break is used.  

See Also