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AxisScaleSegment Class Members
See Also  Properties 
Dundas.Charting.WebControl Namespace : AxisScaleSegment Class

The following tables list the members exposed by AxisScaleSegment.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor AxisScaleSegment Constructor Default object constructor.  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property Interval Axis segment interval size.  
Public Property IntervalOffset Axis segment interval offset.  
Public Property IntervalOffsetType Axis segment interval offset type.  
Public Property IntervalType Axis segment interval type.  
Public Property Position Axis segment position in axis size percentage.  
Public Property ScaleMaximum Axis segment scale maximum value.  
Public Property ScaleMinimum Axis segment scale minimum value.  
Public Property Size Axis segment size in axis size percentage.  
Public Property Spacing Axis segment spacing in axis size percentage.  
Public Property Tag Object associated with axis scale segment.  

See Also