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ChartImage Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Dundas.Charting.WebControl Namespace : ChartImage Class

The following tables list the members exposed by ChartImage.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor ChartImage Constructor Chart public constructor.  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property Annotations Chart annotation collection. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property AntiAliasing Specifies whether smoothing (antialiasing) is applied while drawing chart. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property BackColor Background color for the Chart (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property BackGradientEndColor The second color which is used for a gradient (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property BackGradientType A type for the background gradient (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property BackHatchStyle Back Hatch style (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property BackImage Chart area background image (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property BackImageAlign Background image alignment used by ClampUnscale drawing mode. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property BackImageMode Chart area background image drawing mode. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property BackImageTranspColor Background image transparent color. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property BorderColor Border color for the Chart (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property BorderSkinAttributes Chart border skin style. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property BorderStyle The style of the border line (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property BorderWidth The width of the border line (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property ChartAreas Reference to chart area collection (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property Compression Image compression value  
Public Property DataManipulator Series Data Manipulator (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property DataSource The data source used to populate series data. The Series ValueMember properties must be also set.  
Public Property Height Chart height (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property ImageType Image type (Jpeg, BMP, Png, Svg, Flash)  
Public Property Legend Reference to the default legend object (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property Legends Chart legend collection. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property MapAreas Chart map areas collection. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property MapEnabled Indicates that chart image map is enabled. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property SoftShadows Indicates that smoothing is applied while drawing shadows. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property TextAntiAliasingQuality Specifies the quality of text antialiasing. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property Title Chart title (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property TitleFont Title font (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property TitleFontColor Font color of the title (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property Titles Chart title collection. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property UI Chart command user interface. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Property Width Chart width (Inherited from ChartPicture)

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public Method GetFlashImage Create Flash Image and draw chart picture  
Public Method GetImage Create Image and draw chart picture  
Public Method GetSvgImage Create Svg Image and draw chart picture  
Public Method LoadTemplate Overloaded.  Loads chart appearance template from file. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Method Paint Overloaded.  This function paints a chart. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Method PaintAreaOnly This function paints a chart. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Method ReCalc Recalculate the chart picture. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Method Resize Overloaded.  Resize the chart picture. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Public Method SaveIntoMetafile Saves image into the metafile stream.  
Public Method Select Overloaded.  Function, that returns a selected data point and selected series from x, and y coordinate position. (Inherited from ChartPicture)

Protected Methods

  Name Description
Protected Method Dispose (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Protected Method OnAfterPaint Invoke after paint delegates. (Inherited from ChartPicture)
Protected Method OnBeforePaint Invoke before paint delegates. (Inherited from ChartPicture)

See Also