Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
ErrorBarType Custom Attribute
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Custom Attributes > ErrorBarType Custom Attribute

Glossary Item Box

Gets or sets a value that defines how the Upper and Lower Error values are calculated for the center values of the ErrorBarSeries.


This attribute accepts a formula name with and optional parameter enclosed in parenthesis. 

Custom Attribute Summary
Possible Values: FixedValue - The error value is a fixed value defined by a required parameter (ex. "FixedValue(15)").
Percentage - Errors are calculated as a percentage of the data point center value with an optional parameter. If a parameter is not specified, a 10% error will be used for upper and lower errors (ex "Percentage(10)").
StandardDeviation - The error values are determined by applying a Standard deviation calculations on the center values in the error bar series with an optional parameter. A supplied parameter (1,2,3, etc.) defines the number of standard deviations to use. By default is no parameter is provided, a standard deviation of 1 is used (ex. "StandardDeviation(3)").
StandardError - Error values are found by applying Standard Error calculations on the center values in the error bar series with an optional parameter. The supplied Parameter (1,2,3, etc.) defines the number of standard errors to use. If none is provided, the default value of 1 is used (ex. "StandardError(2)").
Default Value: none
2D / 3D Limitations: No
Applies to Chart Element: Series Objects
Applies to Chart Types: Error Bar

See Also

Custom Attributes
Custom Attributes Overview

Chart Types
Error Bar Chart

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