Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
Pyramid3DDrawingStyle Custom Attribute
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Custom Attributes > Pyramid3DDrawingStyle Custom Attribute

Glossary Item Box

Gets or sets the Pyramid chart 3D drawing style.

Visual Basic Copy Code
Imports Dundas.Charting.WinControl

' Set the Series Pyramid3DDrawingStyle to render with a CircularBase.
Chart1.Series(0)("Pyramid3DDrawingStyle") = "CircularBase"

C# Copy Code
using Dundas.Charting.WinControl;

// Set the Series Pyramid3DDrawingStyle to render with a CircularBase.
Chart1.Series[0]["Pyramid3DDrawingStyle"] = "CircularBase";


For this attribute to have any effect, the property ChartArea.Area3DStyle.Enable3D must be set to true. 

Custom Attribute Summary
Possible Values: CircularBase  - Renders the Pyramid chart with a Circular base shape.
SquareBase  - Renders the Pyramid chart with a Square base shape.
Default Value: SquareBase
2D / 3D Limitations: 3D Only
Applies to Chart Element: Series Objects
Applies to Chart Types: Pyramid


Figure 1: Default SquareBase Pyramid3DDrawingStyle shown left, and CircularBase Pyramid3DDrawingStyle shown right.

See Also

Custom Attributes
Custom Attributes Overview

Chart Types
Pyramid Chart

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