Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
F Distribution Formula
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Formula Reference > Statistical Formulas > F Distribution Formula

Glossary Item Box


Enterprise Edition Only Feature.

Returns the probability for the F-distribution.

Applying the Formula

All statistical formulas are calculated using the Statistics class, and the following table describes how to use its FDistribution method.


Value/Description Example
Formula Name: F Distribution Statistics.FDistribution(6.31, 15, 7)
  1. fValue: The F value for which you want the distribution.
  2. firstDegreeOfFreedom: an integer value that represents the first degree of freedom.
  3. secondDegreeOfFreedom: an integer value that represents the second degree of freedom.
Statistics.FDistribution(6.31, 15, 7)
Return: A double that represents the probability for the F distribution.


Statistical Interpretation

Suppose  and  are the observed variances for two samples, of sizes n and m, drawn from normal populations with variances  and  , respectively. We can test the null hypothesis that  by calculating the distribution of the variance ratio.

Figure 1: Graph of F Distribution.



This example demonstrates how to calculate the F distribution probability.

Visual Basic Copy Code
Imports Dundas.Charting.WinControl
' Calculate F distribution probability.
Dim result As double = Chart1.DataManipulator.Statistics.FDistribution(6.31,15,7)

C# Copy Code
using Dundas.Charting.WinControl;
// Calculate F distribution probability.
double result = Chart1.DataManipulator.Statistics.FDistribution(6.31,15,7);

See Also

Financial Formulas
Formulas Overview

Statistical Formulas
Using Statistical Formulas

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