Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
CursorEventArgs Class Members
See Also  Properties  Send comments on this topic.
DundasWinChart Assembly > Dundas.Charting.WinControl Namespace : CursorEventArgs Class

The following tables list the members exposed by CursorEventArgs.

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property Axis Gets the Axis object that a cursor or range selection belongs to.
Axis of the event.  
Public Property ChartArea Gets the ChartArea object that a cursor or range selection belongs to.
Chart area of the event.  
Public Property NewPosition Gets the position of a cursor, and depending on the event also sets the cursor's position.
New cursor position.  
Public Property NewSelectionEnd Gets the end position of a selected range, and depending on the event also sets the range's end position.
New range selection end position.  
Public Property NewSelectionStart Gets the start position of a selected range, and depending on the event also sets the range's start position.
New range selection start position.  

See Also

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