Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
StripLine Class Members
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DundasWinChart Assembly > Dundas.Charting.WinControl Namespace : StripLine Class

The following tables list the members exposed by StripLine.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor StripLine Constructor Public constructor.
Strip line object constructor.  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property BackColor

Gets or sets the background color of the strip line.

Strip Line background color  
Public Property BackGradientEndColor

Gets or sets the secondary color of the strip line.

Strip Line background gradient end color  
Public Property BackGradientType

Gets or sets the orientation of the strip line, and also determines whether or not a gradient is used.

Strip Line background gradient type.  
Public Property BackHatchStyle

Gets or sets the hatching style of the strip line.

Strip Line hatch style  
Public Property BackImage

Gets or sets the background image of the strip line.

Strip Line background image  
Public Property BackImageAlign

Gets or sets the alignment of the background image of the strip line.

Background image alignment used by ClampUnscale drawing mode.  
Public Property BackImageMode

Gets or sets the drawing mode of the background image of the strip line.

Strip Line background image drawing mode.  
Public Property BackImageTranspColor

Gets or sets the color of a strip line's background image that will be implemented as transparent.

Background image transparent color.  
Public Property BorderColor

Gets or sets the border color of a strip line.

Strip Line border color  
Public Property BorderStyle

Gets or sets the border style of the strip line.

Strip Line border style  
Public Property BorderWidth

Gets or sets the border width of the strip line.

Strip Line border width  
Public Property Interval

Gets or sets the interval for one StripLine object, and determines if the strip line is drawn once or repeatedly.

Strip or line step size.  
Public Property IntervalOffset

This property gets or sets the offset of grid lines, tick marks, strip lines and axis labels.

Strip or line start position offset.  
Public Property IntervalOffsetType

Gets or sets the interval offset type of the strip line.

Strip or line offset type.  
Public Property IntervalType

Gets or sets the interval type of a StripLine object.

Strip or line step type.  
Public Property Name

Gets or sets the name of the strip line.

Strip Line name  
Public Property StripWidth

Gets or sets the width of a strip line.

Strip width.  
Public Property StripWidthType Gets or sets the unit of measurement for the StripWidth property.
Strip width type.  
Public Property Title

Gets or sets the title of the strip line.

Strip Line title  
Public Property TitleAlignment

Gets or sets the alignment of the strip line.

Strip Line title alignment  
Public Property TitleAngle

Gets or sets a value that determines the angle of a strip line's title.

Strip Lines title angle. Can be set to 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees.  
Public Property TitleColor

Gets or sets the color of a strip line title.

Strip Line title color  
Public Property TitleFont

Gets or sets the title font properties of a strip line.

Strip Lines title font  
Public Property TitleLineAlignment

Gets or sets a value that determines the alignment of a strip line's title.

Strip Line title lines alignment  
Public Property ToolTip

Gets or sets the tooltip of a strip line.

Tooltip of the Strip/Line.  

See Also

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