Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
TTestResult Class Members
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DundasWinChart Assembly > Dundas.Charting.WinControl Namespace : TTestResult Class

The following tables list the members exposed by TTestResult.

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property DegreeOfFreedom  Gets the degree of freedom.
Degree of freedom.  
Public Property FirstSeriesMean  Gets the mean of the first series.
First series' mean.  
Public Property FirstSeriesVariance  Gets the variance of the first series.
First series' variance.  
Public Property ProbabilityTOneTail  Gets the Probability T one tail value.
Probability T one tail.  
Public Property ProbabilityTTwoTail  Gets the Probability T two tail value.
Probability T two tails.  
Public Property SecondSeriesMean  Gets the mean of the second series.
Second series' mean.  
Public Property SecondSeriesVariance  Gets the variance of the second series.
Second series' variance.  
Public Property TCriticalValueOneTail  Gets the Critical T one tail value.
Critical T one tail.  
Public Property TCriticalValueTwoTail  Gets the Critical T two tail value.
Critical T two tails.  
Public Property TValue  Gets the T value.
T value.  

See Also

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