Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
Dundas.Charting.WinControl.ChartTypes Namespace
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DundasWinChart Assembly : Dundas.Charting.WinControl.ChartTypes Namespace


  Class Description
Class BubbleChart BubbleChart class extends PointChart class to add support for additional Y value which controls the size of the markers used.
Class ChartTypeRegistry ChartTypeRegistry class is a repository for all standard and custom chart types. In order for the chart control to display the chart type, it first must be registered using unique name and IChartType derived class which provides the description of the chart type and also responsible for all drawing and hit testing. ChartTypeRegistry can be used by user for custom chart type registering and can be retrieved using Chart.GetService(typeof(ChartTypeRegistry)) method.
Class FastLineChart FastLineChart class implements a simplified line chart drawing algorithm which is optimized for the performance.
Class FastPointChart FastPointChart class implements a simplified point chart drawing algorithm which is optimized for the performance.
Class PointChart PointChart class provides 2D/3D drawing and hit testing functionality for the Point chart.


  Interface Description
Interface IChartType IChartType interface must be implemented for any standard or custom chart type displayed in the chart control. This interface defines properties which provide information on chart type behaviour including how many Y values supported, is it a stacked chart type, how it interacts with axes and much more. IChartType interface methods define how to draw series data point, calculate Y values and process SmartLabels.


  Enumeration Description
Enumeration Funnel3DDrawingStyle Funnel chart 3D drawing style.
Enumeration FunnelLabelPlacement Outside labels placement.
Enumeration FunnelLabelStyle Funnel chart labels style enumeration.
Enumeration FunnelLabelVerticalAlignment Vertical alignment of the data point labels
Enumeration FunnelStyle Funnel chart drawing style.
Enumeration PyramidValueType Value type of the pyramid chart.

See Also

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