Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
Axis Class Members
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DundasWinChart Assembly > Dundas.Charting.WinControl Namespace : Axis Class

The following tables list the members exposed by Axis.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor Axis Constructor Default constructor.
Default constructor  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property Arrows

This property determines the arrow style of a 2D axis (not applied to 3D chart areas).

Axis arrows  
Public Property Crossing Gets or sets the location at which an axis is crossed by its associated axis. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property CustomLabels Gets a CustomLabelsCollection object, used to store CustomLabel objects. (Inherited from AxisLabels)
Public Property Enabled Gets or sets a value indicating if an axis is enabled. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property Interlaced

Gets or sets a value that determines if interlaced strip lines are displayed for an axis.

Indicates that interlaced strip lines will be displayed for the axis.  
Public Property InterlacedColor

This property is used to set or get the color of interlaced strip lines.

Color used to draw interlaced strip lines for the axis.  
Public Property Interval

Gets or sets the interval of an axis.

Axis interval size.  
Public Property IntervalAutoMode Determines if a fixed number of intervals is used on the axis, or if the number of intervals depends on the axis size. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property IntervalOffset

Gets or sets the interval offset of an axis.

Axis interval offset.  
Public Property IntervalOffsetType

Gets or sets the interval offset type of an axis.

Axis interval offset type.  
Public Property IntervalType

Gets or sets the interval type of an axis.

Axis interval type.  
Public Property LabelsAutoFit

Gets or sets a value that determines if axis labels are automatically fitted.

Set Auto Labels formating  
Public Property LabelsAutoFitMaxFontSize Gets or sets the maximum font size that can be used by the labels auto-fitting algorithm.
Maximum font size that can be used by the labels auto-fitting algorithm.  
Public Property LabelsAutoFitMinFontSize Gets or sets the minimum font size that can be used by the labels auto-fitting algorithm.
Minimum font size that can be used by the labels auto-fitting algorithm.  
Public Property LabelsAutoFitStyle

Gets or sets the allowable label changes that can be made to enable the label to be fit along an axis.

Labels auto-fit style. LabelsAutoFit must be set to true.  
Public Property LabelStyle A Label object used to get or set label style properties of an axis. (Inherited from AxisLabels)
Public Property LineColor

This property is used to set or get the line color of an axis.

Axis Line Color  
Public Property LineStyle

This property is used to get or set the line style of an axis.

Axis Line Dash Style  
Public Property LineWidth

Gets or sets the line width of an axis, in pixels.

Axis Line Width  
Public Property LogarithmBase Gets or sets a double value the logarithm base for the logarithmic axis. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property Logarithmic Gets or sets a boolean value that determines if an axis is logarithmic. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property MajorGrid

Gets or sets a Grid object, used for an axis' major grid lines properties.

Major Gridlines  
Public Property MajorTickMark

Gets or sets a TickMark object used to set an axis' major tick mark properties.

Major Tick Mark  
Public Property Margin Gets or sets a boolean value that determines if an axis margin will be used. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property MarksNextToAxis

Gets or sets a value that determines if tick marks and axis labels move with an axis if an axis' crossing point changes.

Tick marks and labels move with axis when the crossing value is changed.  
Public Property Maximum Gets or sets the maximum value of an axis. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property Minimum Gets or sets the minimum value of an axis. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property MinorGrid

Gets or sets a Grid object, used for an axis' minor grid lines properties.

Minor Gridlines  
Public Property MinorTickMark

Gets or sets a TickMark object used to set an axis' minor tick mark properties.

Minor Tick Mark  
Public Property Name

Gets or sets the name of the axis.

Axis name. For internal use only!  
Public Property Reverse Gets or sets the axis direction. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property ScaleBreakStyle Gets or sets the axis scale break style. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property ScrollBar Gets or sets an axis scrollbar. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property StartFromZero Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether zero must be used as the minimum axis value. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Property StripLines

Gets a StripLinesCollection object.

Custom labels collection.  
Public Property SubAxes Sub-axes collection.  
Public Property Title

Gets or sets the title of the axis.

Axis Title  
Public Property TitleAlignment

Gets or sets the alignment of an axis title.

Axis Title Alignment  
Public Property TitleColor

Gets or sets the color of an axis title.

Axis Title Color  
Public Property TitleFont

Gets or sets the title font properties of an axis.

Axis Title Font  
Public Property ToolTip Gets or sets the tooltip used for the axis.
Tooltip of the axis.  
Public Property Type

Gets the axis type (e.g. X, Y, X2 or Y2).

Axis name. For internal use only!  
Public Property View Gets or sets the view of an axis. (Inherited from AxisScale)

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public Method Dispose (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Method GetPosition This function converts an axis value to a relative position (0-100%). If an axis is logarithmic  then the value is converted to a linear scale. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Method PixelPositionToValue Converts an absolute pixel position along an axis to an axis value. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Method PositionToValue Converts a relative coordinate along an axis to an axis value. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Method RoundAxisValues

Call this method to automatically round axis values.

This function will create auto maximum and minimum values using interval on the X axis. This function will make a gap between data points and border of the chart area. Note that this method can only be called for primary or secondary X axes.  
Public Method ValueToPixelPosition Converts an axis value to an absolute coordinate along an axis. Measured in pixels. (Inherited from AxisScale)
Public Method ValueToPosition Converts an axis value to a relative coordinate. (Inherited from AxisScale)

See Also

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