Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
WinChartDesigner Class Members
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DundasWinChart Assembly > Dundas.Charting.WinControl.Design Namespace : WinChartDesigner Class

The following tables list the members exposed by WinChartDesigner.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor WinChartDesigner Constructor  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property AccessibilityObject Gets the AccessibleObject assigned to the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner)
Public Property ActionLists Gets the design-time action lists supported by the component associated with the designer. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentDesigner)
Public Property AssociatedComponents Gets the collection of components associated with the component managed by the designer. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner)
Public Property AutoResizeHandles Gets or sets a value indicating whether resize handle allocation depends on the value of the AutoSize property. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner)
Public Property Component Gets the component this designer is designing. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentDesigner)
Public Property Control Gets the control that the designer is designing. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner)
Public Property DataSource Design-time DataSource property. For Wizard only.  
Public Property ParticipatesWithSnapLines Gets a value indicating whether the ControlDesigner will allow snapline alignment during a drag operation. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner)
Public Property SelectionRules Gets the selection rules that indicate the movement capabilities of a component. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner)
Public Property SnapLines Gets a list of SnapLine objects representing significant alignment points for this control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner)
Public Property Verbs Overridden.  Control's verbs  

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public Method CanBeParentedTo Indicates if this designer's control can be parented by the control of the specified designer. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner)
Public Method Dispose Releases all resources used by the ComponentDesigner. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentDesigner)
Public Method DoDefaultAction Creates a method signature in the source code file for the default event on the component and navigates the user's cursor to that location. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentDesigner)
Public Method GetDataSource Gets selected data source object.  
Public Method GetGlyphs Gets a collection of Glyph objects representing the selection borders and grab handles for a standard control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner)
Public Method Initialize Overridden.  Intialize designer.  
Public Method InitializeExistingComponent Re-initializes an existing component. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner)
Public Method InitializeNewComponent Initializes a newly created component. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner)
Public Method InitializeNonDefault Initializes the settings for an imported component that is already initialized to settings other than the defaults. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentDesigner)
Public Method InternalControlDesigner Returns the internal control designer with the specified index in the ControlDesigner. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner)
Public Method InvokeCreateDataSourceDlg Creates data source dialog..  
Public Method NumberOfInternalControlDesigners Returns the number of internal control designers in the ControlDesigner. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner)
Public Method OnSetComponentDefaults Overridden.  Set default values for properties of the component.  

See Also

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