Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
Dundas.Charting.WinControl.Svg Namespace
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DundasWinChart Assembly : Dundas.Charting.WinControl.Svg Namespace


  Class Description
Class ChartParameters This class is used to prepare attributes for use with Svg Rendering class. Svg rendering class is used in two products: Dundas Chart and Dundas Diagram, and it cannot use internally any definition from these two products.
Class SvgChartGraphics This class is used to prepare drawing for Svg Rendering class. Svg rendering class is used in two products: Dundas Chart and Dundas Diagram, and it cannot use internally any definition from these two products.
Class SvgParameters This class is used as an abstract class to define necessary attributes for SVG drawing. This file is used in two products: Dundas Diagram and Dundas Chart. This class is base class for all SVG classes.
Class SvgRendering Rendering SVG Class which is used for rendering SVG graphics file in a XML document.


  Structure Description
Structure SvgOpenParameters This structure is used for Open method in Svg. It contains parameters necessary for creation of Svg document.


  Enumeration Description
Enumeration SvgParameters.SvgDashStyle This enumeration defines pattern for solid and blank sequences for rendering a line
Enumeration SvgParameters.SvgFillType This enumeration defines the type of filling
Enumeration SvgParameters.SvgGradientType This enumeration defines the type of gradient
Enumeration SvgParameters.SvgImageWrapMode This enumeration defineshow image is tiled when it is larger than the area being filled
Enumeration SvgParameters.SvgLineCapStyle This enumeration defines how start or finish point of a line is drawn

See Also

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