Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
ChartSerializer Class Members
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DundasWinChart Assembly > Dundas.Charting.WinControl Namespace : ChartSerializer Class

The following tables list the members exposed by ChartSerializer.

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property Content

Gets or sets the type of chart content to be serialized.

Serializable content.  
Public Property Format

Gets or sets the format used when the chart is serialized.

Format used to serialize the chart data.  
Public Property IgnoreUnknownXmlAttributes

Determines if unknown Xml attributes in a serialized chart are ignored when loaded.

Indicates that unknown XML attributes and elements will be ignored without throwing an exception.  
Public Property NonSerializableContent

Gets or sets the chart properties that will not be serialized.

Comma separated list of NON serializable (Save/Load/Reset) properties. "ClassName.PropertyName,[ClassName.PropertyName]".  
Public Property ResetWhenLoading

Determines if chart properties marked for serialization are reset to their default values before serialized data is loaded.

Indicates that object properties are reset to default values before loading.  
Public Property SerializableContent

Gets or sets the chart properties that can be serialized.

Comma separated list of serializable (Save/Load/Reset) properties. "ClassName.PropertyName,[ClassName.PropertyName]".  
Public Property TemplateMode

Gets or sets the template mode of a ChartSerializer object.

Indicates that serializer works in template creation mode.  

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public Method Load Overloaded. Loads serialized data into the Chart control.  
Public Method Reset

Call this method to reset all chart properties marked for serialization.

Reset all properties of the chart to default values. By setting Content or SerializableContent/NonSerializableContent properties specific set of properties can be reset.  
Public Method Save Overloaded. Saves chart properties that have non-default values. All chart properties can be serialized (includes data).  

See Also

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