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GetImageSize Method


Returns the file size of the new image resized from the image of a specified index in buffer.

ActiveX Edition Plug-in Edition Mac Edition
Since V4.1 Since V4.1 Since V6.4


Double ObjectName. GetImageSize(Short sImageIndex, Long lWidth, Long lHeight)


Short sImageIndex: specifies the index of image in buffer. The index is 0-based. 

Long lWidth: specifies the pixel width of the new image.

Long lHeight: specifies the pixel height of the new image.

Return value


-1 indicates failure. Other values indicate success.

When an error occurs and IfThrowException property is TRUE, an exception will be thrown.

When FALSE is returned or an exception is thrown, check ErrorCode property and ErrorString property for error information.



See Also

RotateLeft(), RotateRight(), Flip(), Mirror(), Crop(), CropToClipboard(), ChangeImageSize(), ShowImageEditor(),
ImageEditorWindowTitle property, ImageEditorIfReadonly property, ImageEditorIfEnableEnumerator property.