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HTTPUploadAllThroughPostAsPDF Method


Uploads all images in buffer to the HTTP server through HTTP Post method as Multi-Page PDF.

ActiveX Edition Plug-in Edition Mac Edition
Since V5.0 Since V5.0 Since V6.4


Boolean ObjectName. HTTPUploadAllThroughPostAsPDF(String HTTPServer, String ActionPage, String FileName)


String HTTPServer: the name of the HTTP server.

String ActionPage: the specified page for posting image files. This is the relative path of the page, not the absolute path. For example: "upload.asp", not "".

String FileName: the name of the image to be uploaded.

Return value


TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure.

When an error occurs and IfThrowException property is TRUE, an exception will be thrown.

When FALSE is returned or an exception is thrown, check ErrorCode property and ErrorString property for error information.


The field name of the uploaded image is RemoteFile.

IMPORTANT: Dynamic Webcam uses a special way to see if an image is uploaded and processed successfully by server. If the server returns 0 bytes, indicates success. Otherwise, indicates failure. In other words, when the uploaded image is processed successfully, the action page on the server should not return anything, even the "<html>".

See also

FTPUserName property, FTPPassword property, FTPPort property, ProxyServer property, FTPDownload(), FTPUpload(), HTTPPort property, IfSSL property, HTTPUserName property, HTTPPassword property, HTTPDownload(),, HTTPUploadThroughPost(), HTTPUploadThroughPut(), HTTPUploadAllThroughPutAsPDF(), FTPUploadAllAsPDF()


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
Webcam = document.getElementById("iDynamicWebcam");//iDynamicWebcam is the id of the Dynamic Webcam on the page (An object or an embed).
function btnScan_onclick() 
function btnUpload_onclick() 
	var strActionPage;
	var strHostIP;

	var CurrentPathName = unescape(location.pathname); // get current PathName in plain ASCII 
	var CurrentPath = CurrentPathName.substring(0, CurrentPathName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); 
	strActionPage = CurrentPath + "SaveToFile.aspx"; //the ActionPage's file path

	strHostIP = "localhost"; //The host's IP or name 

	Webcam.HTTPPort = 80; 

	if (Webcam.ErrorCode != 0){
	else{ //succeded
		alert("Image Uploaded successfully!");


<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false"%>
	Dim files As HttpFileCollection = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files
	Dim uploadfile As HttpPostedFile = files("RemoteFile")

	dim filePath
	filePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath(".") & "/" & uploadfile.FileName
