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SaveAsJPEG Method


Saves the image of a specified index in buffer as a JPEG file.

ActiveX Edition Plug-in Edition Mac Edition
Since V2.0 Since V4.0 Since V6.4


Boolean ObjectName. SaveAsJPEG(String FileName, Short sImageIndex)


String FileName: the name of the JPEG file to be saved. It should be an absolute path on the local disk.

Short sImageIndex: specifies the index of image in buffer. The index is 0-based. 

Return value


TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure.

When an error occurs and IfThrowException property is TRUE, an exception will be thrown.

When FALSE is returned or an exception is thrown, check ErrorCode property and ErrorString property for error information.


JPEG compression is a built-in feature of Dynamic Webcam, no other DLLs are required.

JPEG standard defines that only 256 gray-scaled image and 24 bit RGB image can be compressed as JPEG format.

If you would like to save images by showing the browser dialog box, you can set IfShowFileDialog to true.

See also

JPEGQuality property, SaveAsBMP(), SaveAsTIFF(), SaveAsPNG(), SaveAllAsMultiPageTIFF(), FTPUpload(), FTPDownload(), HTTPUploadThroughPut(), HTTPUploadThroughPost(), HTTPDownload()


Save new acquired image as a JPEG file automatically after a transfer ends.

JavaScript Sample:

<script language="javascript"> function btnSaveJPEG_onclick() { Webcam.SaveAsJPEG("C:/ImageData.jpg",0); } </script>