CGM option is implemented based on ISO/IEC 8632 CGM, W3C WebCGM 2.0 specification.
The legends of element, attribute condition column are as follows.
The number of the ISO/IEC 8632 and WebCGM column means CGM version. Other legends of ISO/IEC 8632 and WebCGM column are as follows.
No. | Element | Elem cond. | Attribute | Attr cond. | Notes | ISO/IEC 8632 | WebCGM | ||
Ver | Ver | ||||||||
1 | BEGIN METAFILE | yes | metafile name | yes | When CGM contains plural METAFILE, only the first one is converted. The seond or the after one is ignored. The metafile name is used for referencing library, but it is not used in rendering. | 1 | required | 1 | required |
2 | END METAFILE | yes | 1 | required | 1 | required | |||
3 | BEGIN PICTURE | yes | picture name | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | required | |
4 | BEGIN PICTURE BODY | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | required | |||
5 | END PICTURE | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | required | |||
6 | BEGIN SEGMENT | no | segment identifier | no | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
7 | END SEGMENT | no | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |||
8 | BEGIN FIGURE | partial | Occasionally rendition and filling is not accurately done depending on the combination of figure elements. | 2 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||
9 | END FIGURE | yes | 2 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |||
10 | BEGIN PROTECTION REGION | partial | region index | yes | Occasionally a shape of area is not accurately right depending on the combination of figure elements. | 3 | permitted | 2 | permitted |
11 | END PROTECTION REGION | yes | 3 | permitted | 2 | permitted | |||
12 | BEGIN COMPOUND LINE | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |||
13 | END COMPOUND LINE | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |||
14 | BEGIN COMPOUND TEXT PATH | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |||
15 | END COMPOUND TEXT PATH | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |||
16 | BEGIN TILE ARRAY | partial | position | yes | This element is implemented when the TILE is specified as rectangle only. When the TILE is specified as parallelogram, it is outputted as rectangle. | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
cell path direction | partial | ||||||||
line progrssion direction | partial | ||||||||
number of tiles in path direction | yes | ||||||||
number of tiles in line direction | yes | ||||||||
number of cells/tile in path direction | yes | ||||||||
number of cells/tile in line direction | yes | ||||||||
cell size in path direction | yes | ||||||||
cell size in line direction | yes | ||||||||
image offset in path direction | yes | ||||||||
image offset in line direction | yes | ||||||||
image number of cells in path sirection | yes | ||||||||
image number of cells in line direction | yes | ||||||||
17 | END TILE ARRAY | yes | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |||
18 | BEGIN APPLICATION STRUCTURE | no | application structure identifier | no | 4 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
application structure type | no | ||||||||
inhetitance flag | no | ||||||||
19 | BEGIN APPLICATION STRUCTURE BODY | no | 4 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |||
20 | END APPLICATION STRUCTURE | no | 4 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |||
21 | NOP | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
No. | Element | Elem cond. | Attribute | Attr cond. | Notes | ISO/IEC 8632 | WebCGM | ||
Ver | Ver | ||||||||
22 | METAFILE VERSION | yes | metafile version number | yes | Program checks the version number. But element is not limited by version number. | 1 | required | 1 | required |
23 | METAFILE DESCRIPTION | yes | metafile description string | no | 1 | required | 1 | required | |
24 | VDC TYPE | yes | VDC TYPE | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
25 | INTEGER PRECISION | yes | integer precision | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
26 | REAL PRECISION | yes | form of representation for real value | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
field width for exponent or whole part | yes | ||||||||
field width for fraction or frantion part | yes | ||||||||
27 | INDEX PRECISION | yes | index precision | yes | 1 | required | 1 | required | |
28 | COLOUR PRECISION | yes | colour precision | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
29 | COLOUR INDEX PRECISION | yes | index precision | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
30 | MAXMUM COLOUR INDEX | yes | maximum colour index that may be encountered in the model | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
31 | COLOUR VALUE EXTENT | partial | minumum colour value | yes | Color spaces other than RGB are not implemented. | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
maximum colour value | yes | ||||||||
scale and offset pair for first component | yes | ||||||||
sacle and offset for second compornent | yes | ||||||||
scale nad offset for third component | yes | ||||||||
32 | METAFILE ELEMENT LIST | yes | number of elements specified | yes | 1 | required | 2 | required | |
list of metafile elements in metafile | yes | ||||||||
33 | METAFILE DEFAULTS REPLACEMENT | yes | parameter that itself contains metafile elements | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
34 | FONT LIST | partial | font names | yes | Sometimes font name is incorrectly interpreted when it is not encoded by 8bit. | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
35 | CHARACTER SET LIST | no | CHARACTER SET TYPE | no | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
designation sequence tail | no | ||||||||
36 | CHARACTER CODING ANNOUNCER | yes | character coding announcer | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | required | |
37 | NAME PRECISION | yes | name precision | yes | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
38 | MAXMUM VDC EXTENT | yes | first coner | yes | 2 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
second coner | yes | ||||||||
39 | SEGMENT PRIORITY EXTENT | no | minimum segment priority value | no | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
maximum segment priority value | no | ||||||||
40 | COLOUR MODEL | partial | colour model | partial | Color spaces other than RGB are not implemented. | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
41 | COLOUR CALIBRATION | no | calibration selection | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
reference white value X component | no | ||||||||
reference white value Y component | no | ||||||||
reference white value Z component | no | ||||||||
3x3 RGB calibration matrix | no | ||||||||
3x3 ABC transformation matrix | no | ||||||||
number of lookup table entries(=n) | no | ||||||||
2n red lookup table entries: R, R' | no | ||||||||
2n green lookup table entries: G, G' | no | ||||||||
2n blue lookup table entries: B, B' | no | ||||||||
number of grid locations (=m) | no | ||||||||
m CMYK grid locations | no | ||||||||
m XYZ grid locations, each being | no | ||||||||
42 | FONT PROPERTIES | no | property indicator | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
priority | no | ||||||||
property value record | no | ||||||||
43 | GLYPH MAPPING | no | character set index | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
basis set character set type | no | ||||||||
basis set designation sequence tail | no | ||||||||
octets per code (=m) | no | ||||||||
glyph source | no | ||||||||
glyph-code associations | no | ||||||||
44 | SYMBOL LIBRARY LIST | no | n symbol library names | no | 3 | prohibit | 1 | prohibit | |
45 | PICTURE DIRECTORY | no | location data type selector | no | 4 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
list of 3-tuples | no |
No. | Element | Elem cond. | Attribute | Attr cond. | Notes | ISO/IEC 8632 | WebCGM | ||
Ver | Ver | ||||||||
46 | SCALING MODE | yes | scaling mode | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
metric scaling factor | yes | ||||||||
47 | COLOUR SELECTION MODE | yes | colour selection mode | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
48 | LINE WIDTH SPECIFICATION MODE | yes | line width specification mode | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
49 | MARKER SIZE SPECIFICATION MODE | yes | marker size specification mode | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
50 | EDGE WIDTH SPECIFICATION MODE | yes | edge width specification mode | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
51 | VDC EXTENT | yes | first corner | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
second corner | yes | ||||||||
52 | BACKGROUND COLOUR | yes | background colour | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
53 | DEVICE VIEWPORT | no | first corner | no | 2 | prohibit | 1 | prohibit | |
second corner | no | ||||||||
54 | DEVICE VIEWPORT SPECIFICATION MODE | no | VC specifier | no | 2 | prohibit | 1 | prohibit | |
metric scale factor | no | ||||||||
55 | DEVICE VIEWPORT MAPPING | no | isotropy flag | no | 2 | prohibit | 1 | prohibit | |
horizontal alignment flag | no | ||||||||
vertical alignment flag | no | ||||||||
56 | LINE REPRESENTATION | yes | line bundle index | yes | If the line type is out of range or implementation-defined, it is outputted as solid. | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit |
line type | yes | ||||||||
line width | yes | ||||||||
line colour | yes | ||||||||
57 | MARKER REPRESENTATION | yes | marker bundle index | yes | If the marker type is out of range or implemenation-defined, it is outputted as asterisk. | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit |
marker type | yes | ||||||||
marker size | yes | ||||||||
marker colour | yes | ||||||||
58 | TEXT REPRESENTATION | partial | text bundle index | yes | Color spaces other than RGB are not implemented. Italic, oblique is not supported. | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit |
text font index | partial | ||||||||
text precision | yes | ||||||||
character spacing | yes | ||||||||
character expansion factor | yes | ||||||||
text colour | partial | ||||||||
59 | FILL REPRESENTATION | partial | fill area bundle index | yes | Occasionally filling for the some FIGURE element combination is incorrect. Color spaces other than RGB are not implemented. Interior style that is out of range is outputted as solid. Hatch index that is out of range is outputted as horizontal. Sometimes pattern size is incorrect when filling is done by a pattern. | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit |
interior style | yes | ||||||||
fill colour | partial | ||||||||
hatch index | yes | ||||||||
pattern index | partial | ||||||||
60 | EDGE REPRESENTATION | partial | edge bundle index | yes | Color spaces other than RGB are not implemented. | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit |
edge type | yes | ||||||||
edge width | yes | ||||||||
edge colour | partial | ||||||||
61 | INTERIOR STYLE SPECIFICATION MODE | no | style specification mode | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
62 | LINE AND EDGE TYPE DEFINITION | partial | line type | partial | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
dash cycle repeat length | partial | ||||||||
list of n dash elements | partial | ||||||||
63 | HATCH STYLE DEFINITION | partial | hatch index | partial | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
style indicator | partial | ||||||||
hatch direction vectors specifier (x,y,x,y) | partial | ||||||||
duty cycle length | partial | ||||||||
number of hatch lines (=n) | partial | ||||||||
list of n gap widths | partial | ||||||||
list of n line types | partial | ||||||||
64 | GEOMETRIC PATTERN DEFINITION | no | geometric pattern index | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
segment identifier | no | ||||||||
first corner point | no | ||||||||
second corner point | no | ||||||||
65 | APPLICATION STRUCTURE DIRECTORY | no | location data type selector | no | 4 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
list of pairs consisting | no |
No. | Element | Elem cond. | Attribute | Attr cond. | Notes | ISO/IEC 8632 | WebCGM | ||
Ver | Ver | ||||||||
66 | VDC INTEGER PRECISION | yes | VDC integer precision | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
67 | VDC REAL PRECISION | yes | form of representation for real values | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
field width for exponent or whole part | yes | ||||||||
field width for fraction or fractional part | yes | ||||||||
68 | AUXILIARY COLOUR | partial | auxiliary colour | partial | Color spaces other than RGB are not implemented. | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
69 | TRANSPARENCY | partial | on-off indicator | yes | This is not effective for CELL ARRAY element. | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
70 | CLIP RECTANGLE | yes | first corner | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
second corner | yes | ||||||||
71 | CLIP INDICATOR | yes | clip indicator | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
72 | LINE CLIPPING MODE | partial | clipping mode | partial | Sometimes locus then shape mode is not processed correctly. | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit |
73 | MARKER CLIPPING MODE | partial | clipping mode | partial | Sometimes locus then shape mode is not processed correctly. | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit |
74 | EDGE CLIPPING MODE | partial | clipping mode | partial | Sometimes locus then shape mode is not processed correctly. | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit |
75 | NEW REGION | yes | 2 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |||
76 | SAVE PRIMITIVE CONTEXT | yes | context name | yes | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
77 | RESTORE PRIMITIVE CONTEXT | yes | context name | yes | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
78 | PROTECTION REGION INDICATOR | yes | region index | yes | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
region indicator | yes | ||||||||
79 | GENERALIZED TEXT PATH MODE | no | text path mode | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
80 | MITRE LIMIT | yes | mitre limit | yes | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
81 | TRANSPARENT CELL COLOUR | partial | transparency indicator | yes | Color spaces other than RGB are not implemented. | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
transparent cell colour specifier | partial |
No. | Element | Elem cond. | Attribute | Attr cond. | Notes | ISO/IEC 8632 | WebCGM | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ver | Ver | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
82 | POLYLINE | yes | n (X,Y) polyline vertices | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
83 | DISJOINT POLYLINE | yes | n (X,Y) line segment endpoints | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
84 | POLYMARKER | yes | n (X,Y) marker positions | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
85 | TEXT | yes | text position | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
final/not-final flag | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
text string | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
86 | RESTRICTED TEXT | yes | delta width | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta height | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
text position | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
final/not-final flag | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
text string | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
87 | APPEND TEXT | yes | final/not-final flag | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
text string | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
88 | POLYGON | yes | n (X,Y) polygon vertices | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
89 | POLYGON SET | yes | (X,Y) polygon vertex | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
edge out flag | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
90 | CELL ARRAY | partial | corner point P | partial | This element is implemented when CELL form is rectangle only. If CELL is specified as parallelogram, CELL is outputted as rectangle. Color spaces other than RGB are not implemented. Occasionally CELL ARRAY element that is described as run-length form cannot read correctly. | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
corner point Q | partial | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
corner point R | partial | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
nx | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ny | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
local colour precision | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cell representation mode | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
array of cell colour values | partial | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
91 | GENERALIZED DRAWING PRIMITIVE | no | GDP identifier | no | 1 | prohibit | 1 | prohibit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
n, number of points in 'list of points | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
list of points | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GDP data record | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
92 | RECTANGLE | yes | first corner | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
second corner | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
93 | CIRCLE | yes | centre of circle | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
radius of circle | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
94 | CIRCULAR ARC 3 POINT | yes | starting point | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
intermediate point | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ending point | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
95 | CIRCULAR ARC 3 POINT CLOSE | yes | starting point | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
intermediate point | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ending point | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
type of arc closure | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
96 | CIRCULAR ARC CENTRE | yes | centre of circle | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta X for start vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta Y for start vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta X for end vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta Y for end vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
radius of circle | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
97 | CIRCULAR ARC CENTRE CLOSE | yes | centre of circle | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta X for start vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta Y for start vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta X for end vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta Y for end vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
radius of circle | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
type of arc closure | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
98 | ELLIPSE | yes | centre of ellipse | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
endpoint of first conjugate diameter | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
endpoint of second conjugate diameter | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
99 | ELLIPTICAL ARC | yes | centre of ellipse | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
endpoint of first conjugate diameter | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
endpoint of second conjugate diameter | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta X for start vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta Y for start vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta X for end vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta Y for end vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
100 | ELLIPTICAL ARC CLOSE | yes | centre of ellipse | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
endpoint of first conjugate diameter | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
endpoint of second conjugate diameter | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta X for start vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta Y for start vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta X for end vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta Y for end vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
type of arc closure | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
101 | CIRCULAR ARC CENTRE REVERSED | yes | centre of circle | yes | 2 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta X for start vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta Y for start vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta X for end vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
delta Y for end vector | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
radius of circle | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
102 | CONNECTING EDGE | yes | 2 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
103 | HYPERBOLIC ARC | no | centre point | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
transverse radius end point | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
conjugate radius end point | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
start vector x component | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
start vector y component | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
end vector x component | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
end vector y component | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
104 | PARABOLIC ARC | no | tangent intersection point | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
start point | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
end point | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
105 | NON-UNIFORM B-SPLINE | no | spline order (=m) | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
number of control points (=n) | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
array of control points | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
list of knots, of length n+m | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
parameter start value | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
parameter end value | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
106 | NON-UNIFORM RATIONAL B-SPLINE | no | spline order (=m) | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
number of control points (=n) | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
array of control points | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
list of knots, of length n+m | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
parameter start value | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
parameter end value | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
list of weights, of length n | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
107 | POLYBEZIER | yes | continuity indicator | yes | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
list of point sequences | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
108 | POLYSYMBOL | no | symbol index | no | 3 | prohibit | 1 | prohibit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
n symbol position points | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
109 | BITONAL TILE | partial | compression type | partial |
3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
row padding indicator | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cell background colour | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cell foreground colour | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
method-specific parameters | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
compressed cell colour specifiers | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
110 | TILE | partial | compression type | partial | Same as BITONAL TILE. | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
row padding indicator | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cell colour precision | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
method-specific parameters | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
compressed cell colour specifiers | yes |
No. | Element | Elem cond. | Attribute | Attr cond. | Notes | ISO/IEC 8632 | WebCGM | ||
Ver | Ver | ||||||||
111 | LINE BUNDLE INDEX | yes | line bundle index | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
112 | LINE TYPE | yes | line type | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
113 | LINE WIDTH | yes | line width | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
114 | LINE COLOUR | partial | line colour | partial | Color spaces other than RGB are not implemented. | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
115 | MARKER BUNDLE INDEX | yes | marker bundle index | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
116 | MARKER TYPE | yes | marker type | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
117 | MARKER SIZE | yes | marker size | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
118 | MARKER COLOUR | partial | marker colour | partial | Color spaces other than RGB are not implemented. | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
119 | TEXT BUNDLE INDEX | partial | text bundle index | yes | Occasionally character width becomes incorrect. | 1 | permitted | 1 | prohibit |
120 | TEXT FONT INDEX | yes | text font index | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
121 | TEXT PRECISION | yes | text precision | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
122 | CHARACTER EXPANSION FACTOR | yes | character expansion factor | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
123 | CHARACTER SPACING | yes | additional inter-character space | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
124 | TEXT COLOUR | yes | text colour | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
125 | CHARACTER HEIGHT | yes | character height | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
126 | CHARACTER ORIENTATION | partial | X character up component | partial | This element is not implemented when rendering region of character is parallelogram. | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
Y character up component | partial | ||||||||
X character base component | partial | ||||||||
Y character base component | partial | ||||||||
127 | TEXT PATH | yes | text path | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
128 | TEXT ALIGNMENT | yes | horizontal alignment | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
vertical alignment | yes | ||||||||
continuous horizontal alignment | yes | ||||||||
continuous vertical alignment | yes | ||||||||
129 | CHARACTER SET INDEX | no | character set index | no | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
130 | ALTERNATE CHARACTER SET INDEX | no | alternate character set index | no | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
131 | FILL BUNDLE INDEX | yes | fill bundle index | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
132 | INTERIOR STYLE | partial | interior style | partial | Interior style is not implemented when it is geometric pattern or interpolated. | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
133 | FILL COLOUR | partial | fill colour | partial | Color spaces other than RGB are not implemented. | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
134 | HATCH INDEX | yes | hatch index | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
135 | PATTERN INDEX | yes | pattern index | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
136 | EDGE BUNDLE INDEX | yes | edge bundle index | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
137 | EDGE TYPE | yes | edge type | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
138 | EDGE WIDTH | yes | edge width | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
139 | EDGE COLOUR | partial | edge colour | partial | Color spaces other than RGB are not implemented. | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
140 | EDGE VISIBILITY | yes | edge visibility | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
141 | FILL REFERENCE POINT | yes | fill reference point | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
142 | PATTERN TABLE | yes | pattern table index | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
nx | yes | ||||||||
ny | yes | ||||||||
local colour precision | yes | ||||||||
pattern definition | yes | ||||||||
143 | PATTERN SIZE | partial | pattern height vector, x component | partial | This element is not implemented when pattern is specified as parallelogram | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
pattern height vector, y component | partial | ||||||||
pattern width vector, x component | partial | ||||||||
pattern width vector, y component | partial | ||||||||
144 | COLOUR TABLE | partial | starting colour table index | partial | Color spaces other than RGB are not implemented. | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
list of direct colour values | yes | ||||||||
145 | ASPECT SOURCE FLAGS | yes | 18 parameter-pairs, corresponding to each attribute that may be bundled | yes | 1 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
146 | PICK IDENTIFIR | no | pick identifier | no | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
147 | LINE CAP | partial | line cap indicator | partial | This element is not implemented when line cap is specified as projecting square or triangle. | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
dash cap indicator | no | ||||||||
148 | LINE JOIN | yes | line join indicator | yes | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
149 | LINE TYPE COTINUATION | no | continuation mode | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
150 | LINE TYPE INITIAL OFFSET | no | line pattern offset | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
151 | TEXT SCORE TYPE | no | list of score type | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
152 | RESTRICTED TEXT TYPE | yes | restriction type | yes | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
153 | INTERPOLATED INTERIOR | no | style | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
reference geometry | no | ||||||||
number of stages (=m) | no | ||||||||
array of m stage designators | no | ||||||||
array of k colour specifiers: k=3 for triangular, m+1 otherwise | no | ||||||||
154 | EDGE CAP | partial | edge cap indicator | partial | This element is not implemented when edge cap is specified as projecting square or triangle. | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted |
dash cap indicator | no | ||||||||
155 | EDGE JOIN | yes | edge join indicator | yes | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
156 | EDGE TYPE CONTINUATION | no | continuation mode | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
157 | EDGE TYPE INITIAL OFFSET | no | edge pattern | no | 3 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
158 | SYMBOL LIBRARY INDEX | no | symbol library index | no | 3 | prohibit | 1 | prohibit | |
159 | SYMBOL COLOUR | no | symbol colour | no | 3 | prohibit | 1 | prohibit | |
160 | SYMBOL SIZE | no | scale indicator | no | 3 | prohibit | 1 | prohibit | |
symbol height | no | ||||||||
symbol width | no | ||||||||
161 | SYMBOL ORIENTATION | no | up vector x component | no | 3 | prohibit | 1 | prohibit | |
up vector y component | no | ||||||||
base vector x component | no | ||||||||
base vector y component | no |
No. | Element | Elem cond. | Attribute | Attr cond. | Notes | ISO/IEC 8632 | WebCGM | ||
Ver | Ver | ||||||||
162 | ESCAPE | no | escape identifier | no | 1 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
escape data record | no |
No. | Element | Elem cond. | Attribute | Attr cond. | Notes | ISO/IEC 8632 | WebCGM | ||
Ver | Ver | ||||||||
163 | MESSAGE | no | action-required flag | no | 1 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
message string | no | ||||||||
164 | APPLICATION DATA | no | identifier | no | 1 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
application data record | no |
No. | Element | Elem cond. | Attribute | Attr cond. | Notes | ISO/IEC 8632 | WebCGM | ||
Ver | Ver | ||||||||
165 | COPY SEGMENT | no | segment identifier | no | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
transformation matrix | no | ||||||||
segment transformation application | no | ||||||||
166 | INHERITANCE FILTER | no | list of attribute or group designators | no | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
setting | no | ||||||||
167 | CLIP INHENTANCE | no | clip inheritance | no | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
168 | SEGMENT TRANSFORMATION | no | segment identifier | no | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
transformation matrix | no | ||||||||
169 | SEGMENT HIGHLIGHTING | no | segment identifier | no | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
highlighting | no | ||||||||
170 | SEGMENT DISPLAY PRIORITY | no | segment identifier | no | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
segment display priority | no | ||||||||
171 | SEGMENT PICK PRIORITY | no | segment identifier | no | 2 | permitted | 1 | prohibit | |
segment pick priority | no |
No. | Element | Elem cond. | Attribute | Attr cond. | Notes | ISO/IEC 8632 | WebCGM | ||
Ver | Ver | ||||||||
172 | APPLICATION STRUCTURE ATTRIBUTE | no | application structure attribute type | no | 4 | permitted | 1 | permitted | |
data record | no |