MathML Conformance

AH Formatter V5.0 enables to draw Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 2.0 Second Edition defined by W3C utilizing its originally developed engine. For that reason it's possible to draw high resolution images in PDF. See also Graphics to learn how to utilize MathML.

AH Formatter V5.0 Lite で Customers must purchase "AH Formatter MathML Option" to draw MathML originally. See also Antenna House website for more details.

The below table shows the implemented MathML elements.


Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<math> yes xmlns=""

Presentation / Token Elements

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<mi> yes
<mn> yes
<mo> yes
<mtext> yes
<mspace> partial The linebreak attribute is effective only when the value is "newline". Other values are not processed.
<ms> yes
<mgryph> no

Presentation / General Layout

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<mrow> yes
<mfrac> yes
<msqrt> yes
<mroot> yes
<mstyle> yes
<merror> yes
<mpadded> partial When the size attribute has negative value, the size might not be processed correctly.
<mphantom> yes
<mfenced> yes
<menclose> partial Supports only notation="longdiv", "actual" or "radical"

Presentation / Scripts and Limits

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<msub> yes
<msup> yes
<msubsup> yes
<munder> yes
<mover> yes
<munderover> yes
<mmultiscripts> yes

Presentation / Tables and Matrices

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<mtable> partial The alignmentscope attribute is not processed correctly.
<mtr> yes
<mlabeldtr> yes
<mtd> partial The rowspan attribute and the colspan attribute are not processed correctly.
<maligngrop> yes
<maligngmark> no

Presentation / Dynamic Expressions

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<maction> partial Supports only actiontype="toggle". When the other attribute value is specified, it will be processed in the same way as actiontype="toggle" selection="1" is specified.

Content / Token Elements

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<cn> yes
<ci> yes
<csymbol> yes

Content / Basic Content Elements

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<apply> partial Parentheses might not be displayed correctly due to the operator element and the argument element.
<reln> yes
<fn> yes
<interval> yes
<inverse> yes
<condition> yes
<declare> no
<lambda> yes
<compose> yes
<ident> yes
<domain> yes
<codomain> yes
<image> yes
<domainofapplication> yes
<piecewise> yes

Content / Arithmetic, Algebra and Logic

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<quotient> yes
<factorial> yes
<divide> yes
<max> yes
<min> yes
<minus> yes
<plus> yes
<power> yes
<rem> yes
<times> yes
<root> yes
<gcd> yes
<and> yes
<or> yes
<xor> yes
<not> yes
<implies> yes
<forall> yes
<exists> yes
<abs> yes
<conjugate> yes
<arg> yes
<real> yes
<imaginary> yes
<lcm> yes
<floor> yes
<ceiling> yes

Content / Relations

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<eq> yes
<neq> yes
<gt> yes
<lt> yes
<geq> yes
<leq> yes
<equivalent> yes
<approx> yes
<factorof> yes

Content / Calculus and Vector Calculus

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<int> yes
<diff> yes
<partialdiff> yes
<lowlimit> yes
<uplimit> yes
<bvar> yes
<degree> yes
<divergence> yes
<grad> yes
<curl> yes
<laplacian> yes

Content / Theory of Sets

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<set> yes
<list> yes
<union> partial When the element of bver, domainofapplication, condition, etc., are specified, there may be a case that the method of rendering is unknown.
<intersect> partial When the element of bver, domainofapplication, condition, etc., are specified, there may be a case that the method of rendering is unknown.
<in> yes
<notin> yes
<subset> partial When the element of bver, domainofapplication, condition, etc., are specified, there may be a case that the method of rendering is unknown.
<prsubset> partial When the element of bver, domainofapplication, condition, etc., are specified, there may be a case that the method of rendering is unknown.
<notsubset> yes
<notprsubset> yes
<setdiff> yes
<card> yes
<cartesianproduct> yes

Content / Sequences and Series

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<sum> yes
<product> yes
<limit> yes
<tendsto> yes

Content / Elementary Functions

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<exp> yes
<ln> yes
<log> yes
<sin> yes
<cos> yes
<tan> yes
<sec> yes
<csc> yes
<cot> yes
<sinh> yes
<cosh> yes
<tanh> yes
<sech> yes
<csch> yes
<coth> yes
<arcsin> yes
<arccos> yes
<arctan> yes
<arcsec> yes
<arccsc> yes
<arccot> yes
<arcsinh> yes
<arccosh> yes
<arctanh> yes
<arcsech> yes
<arccsch> yes
<arccoth> yes

Content / Statistics

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<mean> yes
<sdev> yes
<variance> yes
<median> yes
<mode> yes
<moment> yes
<momentabout> yes

Content / Linear Algebra

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<vector> yes
<matrix> yes
<matrixrow> yes
<determinant> yes
<transpose> yes
<selector> yes
<vectorproduct> yes
<acalarproduct> yes
<outerproduct> yes

Content / Semantic Mapping Elements

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<semantics> yes
<annotation> no
<annotation-xml> no

Content / Constants and Symbol Elements

Element Current conditions Comments / Attributes
<integers> yes
<reals> yes
<rationals> yes
<naturalnumbers> yes
<complexes> yes
<primes> yes
<exponentiale> yes
<imaginaryi> yes
<notanumber> yes
<true> yes
<false> yes
<emptyset> yes
<pi> yes
<eulergamma> yes
<infinity> yes
