XSL-FO Conformance

Implementation is based on Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.0 W3C Recommendation 15 October 2001.

Sometimes items with [yes] have some limitation(s) that do not affect their ability to accomplish the specified tasks. See [8 Conformance] of XSL Recommendation about "Conformance Level".

5.10 Core Function Library

The Conformance level is not defined for Core Function Library.

5.10.1 Number Functions

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
floor yes
ceiling yes
round yes
min yes
max yes
abs yes

5.10.2 Color Functions

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
rgb yes
rgb-icc yes This function is extended.
system-color yes

The format of the argument which the rgb-icc function can accept is as follows. An identifier beginning with # is case insensitive. Formats using identifiers which begins with # are extended specifications in XSL Formatter V3.4. If the extension is marked no-LT than the function is not available with XSL Formatter V3.4 Lite.

  • rgb-icc(#Grayscale,<Scale>)

    Specifies Grayscale. The depth in color can be specified by <Scale>.

  • rgb-icc(<R>,<G>,<B>,#CMYK,<C>,<M>,<Y>,<K>)
  • rgb-icc(#CMYK,<C>,<M>,<Y>,<K>)

    Specifies CMYK. When RGB is omitted, it is calculated from CMYK.

  • rgb-icc(<R>,<G>,<B>,#Separation,<Name>,<Tint>,<C>,<M>,<Y>,<K>) no-LT
  • rgb-icc(<R>,<G>,<B>,#Separation,<Name>,<Tint>) no-LT
  • rgb-icc(<R>,<G>,<B>,#Separation,<Name>) no-LT
  • rgb-icc(#Separation,<Name>,<Tint>,<C>,<M>,<Y>,<K>) no-LT

    Specifies Separation color (Spot color). The name of the ink in use is specified as <Name>. For example, specify "PANTONE 131 PC". The color tone is specified as <Tint>. When <Tint> is omitted, it is considered as 1.0. It is also necessary to specify RGB or CMYK. When RGB is omitted, it is calculated from CMYK.

  • rgb-icc(#Separation,<Name>,<Tint>) no-LT
  • rgb-icc(#Separation,<Name>) no-LT

    If you purchase XSL Formatter PANTONE® Option, it includes the ability for more than 1000 PANTONE® Colors to be converted into RGB or CMYK values automatically. This is specified in the FO as follows:

    rgb-icc(#Separation, 'PANTONE 131 PC')

  • rgb-icc(<R>,<G>,<B>,#Registration,<Tint>) no-LT
  • rgb-icc(<R>,<G>,<B>,#Registration) no-LT

    Specifies Registration color. The color tone is specified as <Tint>. When <Tint> is omitted, it is considered as 1.0. Registration color is used for the registered trademark outputted to all the color versions. Registration color can also be expressed by specifying "All" as the <Name> of #Separation.

Arguments take the following values, respectively.

  • <R>,<G>,<B> = % value or 0 to 255 integer value
  • <C>,<M>,<Y>,<K> = % value or 0.0 to 1.0 float value
  • <Scale> = % value or 0.0 (black) to 1.0 (white) float value
  • <Tint> = % value or 0.0 (lightest) to 1.0 (darkest) float value

5.10.3 Font Functions

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
system-font no

5.10.4 Property Value Functions

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
inherited-property-value yes
label-end yes
body-start yes
from-parent yes
from-nearest-specified-value yes
from-table-column yes
proportional-column-width yes
merge-property-values no

6 Formatting Objects

6.4 Declarations and Pagination and Layout Formatting Objects

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
6.4.2 fo:root Basic yes
6.4.3 fo:declarations Basic yes
6.4.4 fo:color-profile Extended no
6.4.5 fo:page-sequence Basic yes
6.4.6 fo:layout-master-set Basic yes
6.4.7 fo:page-sequence-master Basic yes
6.4.8 fo:single-page-master-reference Basic yes
6.4.9 fo:repeatable-page-master-reference Basic yes
6.4.10 fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives Extended yes
6.4.11 fo:conditional-page-master-reference Extended yes
6.4.12 fo:simple-page-master Basic yes This object is extended to specify background-image, background-repeat, background-position-horizontal and background-position-vertical properties. ☞ Page Background
6.4.13 fo:region-body Basic yes
6.4.14 fo:region-before Extended yes
6.4.15 fo:region-after Extended yes
6.4.16 fo:region-start Extended yes
6.4.17 fo:region-end Extended yes
6.4.18 fo:flow Basic yes
6.4.19 fo:static-content Extended yes
6.4.20 fo:title Extended yes

6.5 Block-level Formatting Objects

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
6.5.2 fo:block Basic yes
6.5.3 fo:block-container Extended yes This object is extended to specify column-count, column-gap properties. ☞ Block Column no-LT

6.6 Inline-level Formatting Objects

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
6.6.2 fo:bidi-override Extended yes no-LT
6.6.3 fo:character Basic yes
6.6.4 fo:initial-property-set Extended no
6.6.5 fo:external-graphic Basic yes
6.6.6 fo:instream-foreign-object Extended yes
6.6.7 fo:inline Basic yes
6.6.8 fo:inline-container Extended yes
6.6.9 fo:leader Basic yes
6.6.10 fo:page-number Basic yes
6.6.11 fo:page-number-citation Extended yes

6.7 Formatting Objects for Tables

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
6.7.2 fo:table-and-caption Basic yes
6.7.3 fo:table Basic yes
6.7.4 fo:table-column Basic yes
6.7.5 fo:table-caption Extended yes
6.7.6 fo:table-header Basic yes
6.7.7 fo:table-footer Extended yes
6.7.8 fo:table-body Basic yes
6.7.9 fo:table-row Basic yes
6.7.10 fo:table-cell Basic yes

6.8 Formatting Objects for Lists

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
6.8.2 fo:list-block Basic yes
6.8.3 fo:list-item Basic yes
6.8.4 fo:list-item-body Basic yes
6.8.5 fo:list-item-label Extended yes

6.9 Dynamic Effects: Link and Multi Formatting Objects

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
6.9.2 fo:basic-link Extended yes
6.9.3 fo:multi-switch Extended no
6.9.4 fo:multi-case Basic yes
6.9.5 fo:multi-toggle Extended no
6.9.6 fo:multi-properties Extended no
6.9.7 fo:multi-property-set Extended no

6.10 Out-of-Line Formatting Objects

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
6.10.2 fo:float Extended yes
6.10.3 fo:footnote Extended yes
6.10.4 fo:footnote-body Extended yes

6.11 Other Formatting Objects

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
6.11.2 fo:wrapper Basic yes
6.11.3 fo:marker Extended yes
6.11.4 fo:retrieve-marker Extended yes

7 Formatting Properties

7.4 Common Accessibility Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.4.1 source-document Basic yes
7.4.2 role Basic yes

7.5 Common Absolute Position Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.5.1 absolute-position Complete yes
7.5.2 top Extended yes
7.5.3 right Extended yes
7.5.4 bottom Extended yes
7.5.5 left Extended yes

7.6 Common Aural Properties

Aural Properties is out of implementation scope.

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.6.1 azimuth Basic -
7.6.2 cue-after Basic -
7.6.3 cue-before Basic -
7.6.4 elevation Basic -
7.6.5 pause-after Basic -
7.6.6 pause-before Basic -
7.6.7 pitch Basic -
7.6.8 pitch-range Basic -
7.6.9 play-during Basic -
7.6.10 richness Basic -
7.6.11 speak Basic -
7.6.12 speak-header Basic -
7.6.13 speak-numeral Basic -
7.6.14 speak-punctuation Basic -
7.6.15 speech-rate Basic -
7.6.16 stress Basic -
7.6.17 voice-family Basic -
7.6.18 volume Basic -

7.7 Common Border, Padding, and Background Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.7.1 background-attachment Extended no
7.7.2 background-color Basic yes This property is extended to apply fo:simple-page-master. ☞ axf:background-color
7.7.3 background-image Extended yes This property is extended to apply fo:simple-page-master. ☞ axf:background-image
7.7.4 background-repeat Extended yes This property is extended to apply fo:simple-page-master. ☞ axf:background-repeat
7.7.5 background-position-horizontal Extended yes This property is extended to apply fo:simple-page-master. ☞ axf:background-position-horizontal
7.7.6 background-position-vertical Extended yes This property is extended to apply fo:simple-page-master. ☞ axf:background-position-vertical
7.7.7 border-before-color Basic yes
7.7.8 border-before-style Basic yes Extended the dot-dash, dot-dot-dash, and wave properties defined in CSS3.
7.7.9 border-before-width Basic yes
7.7.10 border-after-color Basic yes
7.7.11 border-after-style Basic yes Extended the dot-dash, dot-dot-dash, and wave properties defined in CSS3.
7.7.12 border-after-width Basic yes
7.7.13 border-start-color Basic yes
7.7.14 border-start-style Basic yes Extended the dot-dash, dot-dot-dash, and wave properties defined in CSS3.
7.7.15 border-start-width Basic yes
7.7.16 border-end-color Basic yes
7.7.17 border-end-style Basic yes Extended the dot-dash, dot-dot-dash, and wave properties defined in CSS3.
7.7.18 border-end-width Basic yes
7.7.19 border-top-color Basic yes
7.7.20 border-top-style Basic yes Extended the dot-dash, dot-dot-dash, and wave properties defined in CSS3.
7.7.21 border-top-width Basic yes
7.7.22 border-bottom-color Basic yes
7.7.23 border-bottom-style Basic yes Extended the dot-dash, dot-dot-dash, and wave properties defined in CSS3.
7.7.24 border-bottom-width Basic yes
7.7.25 border-left-color Basic yes
7.7.26 border-left-style Basic yes Extended the dot-dash, dot-dot-dash, and wave properties defined in CSS3.
7.7.27 border-left-width Basic yes
7.7.28 border-right-color Basic yes
7.7.29 border-right-style Basic yes Extended the dot-dash, dot-dot-dash, and wave properties defined in CSS3.
7.7.30 border-right-width Basic yes
7.7.31 padding-before Basic yes
7.7.32 padding-after Basic yes
7.7.33 padding-start Basic yes
7.7.34 padding-end Basic yes
7.7.35 padding-top Basic yes
7.7.36 padding-bottom Basic yes
7.7.37 padding-left Basic yes
7.7.38 padding-right Basic yes

7.8 Common Font Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.8.2 font-family Basic yes
7.8.3 font-selection-strategy Complete no
7.8.4 font-size Basic yes
7.8.5 font-stretch Extended yes Expands/Condenses the font face to the inline progression direction. The font is not replaced by the other font, such as condensed font. Supports % value. ☞ font-stretch
7.8.6 font-size-adjust Extended no
7.8.7 font-style Basic partial font-style="oblique" becomes "italic". "backslant" is not supported.
7.8.8 font-variant Basic yes
7.8.9 font-weight Basic yes

7.9 Common Hyphenation Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.9.1 country Extended yes
7.9.2 language Extended yes
7.9.3 script Extended yes
7.9.4 hyphenate Extended yes
7.9.5 hyphenation-character Extended yes
7.9.6 hyphenation-push-character-count Extended yes
7.9.7 hyphenation-remain-character-count Extended yes

7.10 Common Margin Properties-Block

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.10.1 margin-top Basic yes
7.10.2 margin-bottom Basic yes
7.10.3 margin-left Basic yes
7.10.4 margin-right Basic yes
7.10.5 space-before Basic yes
7.10.6 space-after Basic yes
7.10.7 start-indent Basic yes
7.10.8 end-indent Basic yes

7.11 Common Margin Properties-Inline

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.11.1 space-end Basic yes
7.11.2 space-start Basic yes

7.12 Common Relative Position Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.12.1 relative-position Extended no

7.13 Area Alignment Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.13.1 alignment-adjust Basic yes
7.13.2 alignment-baseline Basic yes
7.13.3 baseline-shift Basic yes
7.13.4 display-align Extended yes
7.13.5 dominant-baseline Basic yes
7.13.6 relative-align Extended yes

7.14 Area Dimension Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.14.1 block-progression-dimension Basic yes
7.14.2 content-height Extended yes
7.14.3 content-width Extended yes
7.14.4 height Basic yes
7.14.5 inline-progression-dimension Basic yes
7.14.6 max-height Complete yes
7.14.7 max-width Complete yes
7.14.8 min-height Complete yes
7.14.9 min-width Complete yes
7.14.10 scaling Extended yes
7.14.11 scaling-method Extended no
7.14.12 width Basic yes

7.15 Block and Line-related Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.15.1 hyphenation-keep Extended no
7.15.2 hyphenation-ladder-count Extended yes
7.15.3 last-line-end-indent Extended yes
7.15.4 line-height Basic yes
7.15.5 line-height-shift-adjustment Extended yes
7.15.6 line-stacking-strategy Basic yes
7.15.7 linefeed-treatment Extended yes
7.15.8 white-space-treatment Extended yes
7.15.9 text-align Basic yes Supports <string>.
7.15.10 text-align-last Extended yes
7.15.11 text-indent Basic yes
7.15.12 white-space-collapse Extended yes
7.15.13 wrap-option Basic yes

7.16 Character Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.16.1 character Basic yes
7.16.2 letter-spacing Extended yes
7.16.3 suppress-at-line-break Extended no
7.16.4 text-decoration Extended yes
7.16.5 text-shadow Extended no
7.16.6 text-transform Extended yes
7.16.7 treat-as-word-space Extended no
7.16.8 word-spacing Extended yes

7.17 Color-related Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.17.1 color Basic yes
7.17.2 color-profile-name Extended no
7.17.3 rendering-intent Extended no

7.18 Float-related Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.18.1 clear Extended yes This property is extended. Such as inside, outside. ☞ clear
7.18.2 float Extended yes This property is extended. Such as inside, outside. ☞ float
7.18.3 intrusion-displace Extended yes

7.19 Keeps and Breaks Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.19.1 break-after Basic yes
7.19.2 break-before Basic yes
7.19.3 keep-together Extended partial Limitation: <integer> is not supported.
7.19.4 keep-with-next Basic partial Limitation: <integer> is not supported.
7.19.5 keep-with-previous Basic partial Limitation: <integer> is not supported.
7.19.6 orphans Basic yes
7.19.7 widows Basic yes

7.20 Layout-related Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.20.1 clip Extended no
7.20.2 overflow Basic partial This property is extended. ☞ overflow
7.20.3 reference-orientation Extended yes
7.20.4 span Extended yes

7.21 Leader and Rule Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.21.1 leader-alignment Extended no
7.21.2 leader-pattern Basic yes
7.21.3 leader-pattern-width Extended no
7.21.4 leader-length Basic yes
7.21.5 rule-style Basic yes
7.21.6 rule-thickness Basic yes

7.22 Properties for Dynamic Effects Formatting Objects

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.22.1 active-state Extended no
7.22.2 auto-restore Extended no
7.22.3 case-name Extended no
7.22.4 case-title Extended no
7.22.5 destination-placement-offset Extended no
7.22.6 external-destination Extended yes
7.22.7 indicate-destination Extended no
7.22.8 internal-destination Extended yes This property is extended. ☞ internal-destination
7.22.9 show-destination Extended yes
7.22.10 starting-state Extended no
7.22.11 switch-to Extended no
7.22.12 target-presentation-context Extended no
7.22.13 target-processing-context Extended no
7.22.14 target-stylesheet Extended no

7.23 Properties for Markers

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.23.1 marker-class-name Extended yes
7.23.2 retrieve-class-name Extended yes
7.23.3 retrieve-position Extended yes
7.23.4 retrieve-boundary Extended yes

7.24 Properties for Number to String Conversion

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.24.1 format Basic yes
7.24.2 grouping-separator Extended yes
7.24.3 grouping-size Extended yes
7.24.4 letter-value Basic partial Limitation: Always uses auto value.

The format tokens for the format property supports the format tokens defined in the XSLT 1.0 Recommendation and some extensions. axf:column-number-format is also the same.

7.25 Pagination and Layout Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.25.1 blank-or-not-blank Extended yes
7.25.2 column-count Extended yes This property is extended to apply fo:block-container. ☞ axf:column-count
7.25.3 column-gap Extended yes This property is extended to apply fo:block-container. ☞ axf:column-gap
7.25.4 extent Extended yes
7.25.5 flow-name Basic yes
7.25.6 force-page-count Extended yes This property is extended. ☞ force-page-count
7.25.7 initial-page-number Basic yes
7.25.8 master-name Basic yes
7.25.9 master-reference Basic yes
7.25.10 maximum-repeats Extended yes
7.25.11 media-usage Extended no
7.25.12 odd-or-even Extended yes
7.25.13 page-height Basic yes Limitation: indefinite is not supported.
7.25.14 page-position Extended yes This property is extended. ☞ page-position
7.25.15 page-width Basic yes Limitation: indefinite is not supported.
7.25.16 precedence Extended yes
7.25.17 region-name Basic yes

7.26 Table Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.26.1 border-after-precedence Basic yes
7.26.2 border-before-precedence Basic yes
7.26.3 border-collapse Extended yes
7.26.4 border-end-precedence Basic yes
7.26.5 border-separation Extended yes
7.26.6 border-start-precedence Basic yes
7.26.7 caption-side Complete yes caption-side="start" becomes "before", "end" becomes "after".
7.26.8 column-number Basic yes
7.26.9 column-width Basic yes
7.26.10 empty-cells Extended no
7.26.11 ends-row Extended yes
7.26.12 number-columns-repeated Basic yes
7.26.13 number-columns-spanned Basic yes
7.26.14 number-rows-spanned Basic yes
7.26.15 starts-row Extended yes
7.26.16 table-layout Extended yes no-LT
7.26.17 table-omit-footer-at-break Extended yes
7.26.18 table-omit-header-at-break Extended yes

7.27 Writing-mode-related Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.27.1 direction Basic yes no-LT
7.27.2 glyph-orientation-horizontal Extended yes
7.27.3 glyph-orientation-vertical Extended yes
7.27.4 text-altitude Extended no
7.27.5 text-depth Extended no
7.27.6 unicode-bidi Extended yes no-LT
7.27.7 writing-mode Basic yes no-LT

7.28 Miscellaneous Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.28.1 content-type Extended yes
7.28.2 id Basic yes
7.28.3 provisional-label-separation Basic yes
7.28.4 provisional-distance-between-starts Basic yes
7.28.5 ref-id Extended yes
7.28.6 score-spaces Extended no
7.28.7 src Basic yes
7.28.8 visibility Extended yes
7.28.9 z-index Extended yes

7.29 Shorthand Properties

Name Conformance level Current condition Comments
7.29.1 background Complete yes
7.29.2 background-position Complete yes
7.29.3 border Complete yes
7.29.4 border-bottom Complete yes
7.29.5 border-color Complete yes
7.29.6 border-left Complete yes
7.29.7 border-right Complete yes
7.29.8 border-style Complete yes Extended the dot-dash, dot-dot-dash, and wave properties defined in CSS3.
7.29.9 border-spacing Complete yes
7.29.10 border-top Complete yes
7.29.11 border-width Complete yes
7.29.12 cue Complete -
7.29.13 font Complete yes
7.29.14 margin Complete yes
7.29.15 padding Complete yes
7.29.16 page-break-after Complete yes
7.29.17 page-break-before Complete yes
7.29.18 page-break-inside Complete yes
7.29.19 pause Complete -
7.29.20 position Complete yes
7.29.21 size Complete yes
7.29.22 vertical-align Complete yes
7.29.23 white-space Complete yes
7.29.24 xml:lang Complete yes

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