Image Output

Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 supports the following types of image output.

Rainbow PDF Server Based Converter V3.0 は、Windows の GDI または GDI+ の機能を利用してビットマップイメージを作成し、各種イメージ形式に変換して出力します。作成できるビットマップイメージの最大サイズは変換を実行するシステムに依存し、使用できる空きメモリ容量など実行時のシステムの状態なども関係しますので、出力可能なイメージの最大サイズは不定です。
「Rasterization error: xxxxxx」といったエラーが出たときは出力サイズが小さくなるように指定を変更してください。

GDI+ を使用するときは、明示的に指定する必要があります。但し、GDI+ が使用できない環境では、指定しても GDI+ を使わずに処理されます。

イメージの入力については グラフィクス を参照してください。

Optional parameter of the output image

Parameter Functions
Smoothing processing Performs the smoothing when printing and outputting images. Specifies the smoothing processing to text, borders and images separately.
Add values when you specify the smoothing processing in combination. If the value is omitted, "7" (all of 3 values are added) is automatically specified. This parameter is effective only with Windows XP or later / Windows Server 2003 or later.
Output resolution Specifies the image size by a numerical value from 1-1,440(DPI) when outputting image. When the value of this parameter is outside the range or it is omitted, a DPI value specified by the font size in the image is applied. (Windows version)
The maximum image size available to output depends on the Windows system resources such as free available memory, etc.
Reduction ratio When Image are output, the reduction ratio is specified by a numerical value greater than 0 but equal to or less than 1. It can also be specified by % or px (pixel) value. When the value of this parameter is outside the range or it is omitted, the default is 1.
Maximum height Sets the maximum image height decided by rasscale when outputting Image. "px" (pixel) is available as the unit.
File name format When Image are output, if the original document has multiple pages, multiple image files will be output with sequential numbers at the end of the file name. This parameter specifies the format of those sequential numbers. For example, when "document.png" is specified as the name for the output file, by specifying "-01" for -rasfmt the output files will be document-01.png, document-02.png and so on. If this parameter is omitted, the default is "1".
Using GDI+ GdiPlus is used when the file is converted to Image. This setting is effective only with Windows XP or later / Windows Server2003 or later.
JPEG Quality Specifies the conversion accuracy by value within a range of 1-100(%). When this parameter is omitted, the default is 80%.
Monochrome Output This parameter is specified when the original file is monochrome.

JPEG output

PNG output

TIFF output

Supports the TIFF files of TIFF Revision 6.0 specification.