Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer

Contains layer-specific commands.


Class Summary
AbstractDragAndDropCommand A command that moves a given timeline object from one tree / hierarchy node to another.
DefaultAddLayerCommand A command to add a layer to a model.
DefaultChangeCapacityCommand A command that is used to change the capacity used value of a capacity object.
DefaultChangePercentageCommand A command that will change the percentage complete value of a timeline object.
DefaultChangeTimelineObjectTimeSpanCommand A command that will change the time span of a timeline object.
DefaultCreateRelationshipCommand A command that will add a relationship to the Gantt chart model.
DefaultCreateTimelineObjectCommand A command that creates a new timeline object.
DefaultDeleteTimelineObjectCommand A command that deletes a timeline object from a Gantt chart model.
DefaultDragAndDropCommand A command that moves a given timeline object from one tree / hierarchy node to another.
DefaultMultiDragAndDropCommand A command that moves a given timeline object from one tree / hierarchy node to another.
DefaultRemoveLayerCommand A command to remove a layer from a model.

Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer Description

Contains layer-specific commands.