Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar

Contains interfaces and classes for modelling a calendar, which can be used to color time spans differently based on calendar entries (holidays, vacation, milestones, ...).


Interface Summary
ICalendarEntry An interface for objects that can be managed by subclasses of AbstractCalendarModel.
ICalendarModel<T,S> A calendar model definition that can be used by the Gantt chart to visualize weekends, holidays, or any other special day based on the result of an on-the-fly computation.
ICalendarModelListener An interface definition for listeners that want to receive events from a calendar model.

Class Summary
AbstractCalendarEntry An abstract implementation of the ICalendarEntry interface.
AbstractCalendarModel<T,S> An abstract calendar model implementation that provides the necessary event handling infrastructure for its subclasses.
AbstractEntryCalendarModel<T,S extends ICalendarEntry> An abstract implementation of the calendar model specialized on using calendar entries, which implement the ICalendarEntry interface.
CalendarModelEvent An event object used in combination with the ICalendarModelListener interface.
HolidayCalendarEntry A calendar entry implementation for holidays.
TimeGranularityCalendarModel<T extends IGanttChartNode,S extends AbstractCalendarEntry> A calendar model implementation that is based on TimeGranularity.
WeekendCalendarEntry A calendar entry implementation for weekends.

Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar Description

Contains interfaces and classes for modelling a calendar, which can be used to color time spans differently based on calendar entries (holidays, vacation, milestones, ...).