Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.model

A few classes and interfaces that are frequently used throughout the model packages.


Interface Summary
IPropertiesOwner A generic interface for any object that is capable of storing property values.
ITimeSpan A time span encapsulates a start and an end time, making it easier to handle objects that are placed on a timeline.

Class Summary
AbstractPropertiesOwner An abstract implementation of an object that can store property values.
TimeSpan An implementation of the ITimeSpan interface.
TimeSpanComparator A specialized Comparator that is capable of comparing two time spans with each other.
TimeSpanIterator<T extends ITimeSpan> An iterator implementation specialized on iterating over a list of ITimeSpan elements.

Enum Summary
SimpleGranularity An enumeration of possible simple granularities.
TimeGranularity An enumeration of possible time granularities.

Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.model Description

A few classes and interfaces that are frequently used throughout the model packages.