Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable

A tree table model, which is an extension of the standard Swing tree model.


Interface Summary
IColumnModel A column model interface that will be used by the tree table's column header component.
IColumnModelListener A listener interface for column models.
IMutableTreeTableNode An interface that needs to be implemented by tree table nodes that support mutations in the form of added, inserted or removed child nodes or by setting a new parent.
ITreeTableModel<T> A tree table extends a tree by adding the capability to display table columns as well.
ITreeTableModelListener A listener for tree table specific events.
ITreeTableNode An extension of the TreeNode interface, which provides additional information used to populate the table columns of the tree table.

Class Summary
ColumnModelEvent An event object implementation used to notify model listeners of type IColumnModelListener about changes to the column model that they are attached to.
ColumnModelIterator A specialized iterator implementation for iterating over the columns of a column model.
DefaultColumnModel The default column model implementation used throughout the Gantt chart framework.
DefaultMutableTreeTableNode<T> A default implementation for the ITreeTableNode interface.
DefaultTreeTableModel<T extends ITreeTableNode> The framework's default implementation of ITreeTableModel.
KeyColumn<T> The key column is a special type of tree table column and responsible for showing the tree structure given by a tree table model.
TreeTableColumn<T> A tree table column encapsulates all information required in order to render a header for the column, to control the user interaction with the column (e.g. sorting), and to assist in the lookup of the appropriate cell editors and renderers.
TreeTableModelEvent An event object used to notify the application if the user edited a tree table cell.

Enum Summary
ColumnModelEvent.ID An enumerator with values that describe which kind of modification took place on a column model.
SortDirection An enumeration of possible sort directions.

Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable Description

A tree table model, which is an extension of the standard Swing tree model. It adds the capability to return values for columns (which a regular tree does not have). Usually the developer will not work with these classes and interfaces directly but use the Gantt chart model, which is an extension of the tree table model.