Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.layer

Actions that are specifically used in the context of the layer container.


Class Summary
AbstractLayerContainerAction An abstract action implementation that is specialized on performing operations on the layer container.
AddHighlightedTimelineObjectsAction An action that adds the currently selected timeline objects to the set of highlighted objects.
AddPinnedPopupAction An action that will cause the popup of timeline object to be pinned so that is remains visible when the mouse cursor is no longer on top of the timeline object.
ClearHighlightedTimelineObjectsAction An action which clears the set of highlighted objects.
ClearPinnedPopupsAction An action that will clear all pinned popups.
CreateBookmarkAction An action that will toggle the visibility of the eventline.
DeleteTimelineObjectAction An action that deletes all currently selected timeline objects.
LassoModeAction An action which sets the selection mode that will be used by the LassoLayer.
RemoveHighlightedTimelineObjectsAction An action which removes the currently selected timeline objects from the set of highlighted objects.
RemovePinnedPopupAction An action that will cause the popup of a timeline object to be no longer pinned.

Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.layer Description

Actions that are specifically used in the context of the layer container.