Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing

Contains the Gantt chart components and various other user interface elements that can be used together with the Gantt chart.


Interface Summary
ICommandInterceptor A command interceptor gets invoked if a certain type of command is about to be executed.
IComponentFactory An interface used for factories that are capable of creating the various components that constitute a Gantt chart (timeline, tree table, layer container, row header, column header, ...).
IGridComponent A grid component is an object that supports a grid based on a given granularity.
IGridComponentListener A grid component listener reacts to changes of the grid granularity of a grid component.
IMessage A message can be added to a Gantt chart to display information, warnings or errors.
IMessageListener A listener that gets informed when messages have been added or removed from an object (e.g. from an instance of AbstractGanttChart).
IMultiGanttChartContainer<T extends AbstractGanttChart> An interface for containers that are capable of storing multiple Gantt charts at the same time.
IMultiGanttChartContainerListener A listener that can be attached to a multi Gantt chart container instance.
ISortingListener Observers that implement the sorting interface will be informed whenever the user sorts the Gantt charts / the tree tables.
ITimelineObjectPathMessage A message that is related to an object on the timeline.
ITreePathMessage A message that is related to a tree path.

Class Summary
AbstractGanttChart The abstract Gantt chart provides functionality that all Gantt chart implementations have in common: Command Execution Timeline, Dateline, Eventline Column Header Printing Support System Messages
AbstractRowHeader<T extends IRowHeaderRenderer> A component used for displaying row numbers and expand / collapse icons on the left-hand side of the tree table.
ColumnChooser A panel used for selecting which columns will be shown in the tree table of the Gantt chart.
DefaultComponentFactory The default component factory used by the Gantt charts.
DefaultRowHeaderMenuProvider<T extends AbstractRowHeader> A default implementation of a menu provider for a row header, which contains the most common actions usually performed on a row header.
DefaultTreeTableCellEditor A cell editor implementation that can be used for editing tree table cells and spreadsheet cells.
DualGanttChart A dual Gantt Chart is capable of displaying two charts at the same time while keeping the two left-hand sides and the two right-hand sides synchronized during horizontal scrolling operations.
GanttChart A basic Gantt chart implementation that is capable of visualizing the data provided by a single Gantt chart model.
GanttChartControl Gantt chart controls are those user interface components that surround the main controls on the left-hand and the right-hand side of the Gantt chart.
GanttChartFrame<T extends AbstractGanttChart> A frame implementation specifically designed for use with a Gantt chart.
GanttChartGlassPane A panel designed to be used as a glass pane inside a window (frame or dialog).
GanttChartInternalFrame<T extends AbstractGanttChart> An internal frame implementation specifically designed for use with a Gantt chart.
GanttChartProgressMonitor A progress monitor implementation for the Gantt chart.
GanttChartStatusBar<T extends AbstractGanttChart> A status bar specifically designed for use in combination with a Gantt chart.
GanttChartToolBar<T extends AbstractGanttChart> A toolbar for use in combination with a Gantt chart.
GridControl A control that allows the user to enable / disable a virtual grid that will be used for drag and drop operations related to timeline objects.
GridControlPanel A container for grid controls.
Message The default implementation of the IMessage interface.
MessageDialog A dialog capable of displaying the messages attached to a Gantt chart.
MessageTable A table capable of displaying the messages attached to a Gantt chart.
MultiGanttChartContainer<T extends AbstractGanttChart> A default multi Gantt chart implementation, which is capable of storing several Gantt charts at once.
MultiGanttChartContainerEvent An event used to inform listeners about changes in a multi Gantt chart container.
NavigationControl A control used for navigation operations inside the Gantt chart (show earliest objects, show latest objects, show time now, zoom, ...).
NavigationControlPanel The navigation control allows the user to zoom in, zoom out, jump to the time 'now'
ObjectBounds An object used to store the rectangle bounds of a timeline object.
PagingControl A control used for paging operations inside the Gantt chart (earlier / later time span).
PagingControlPanel The navigation control allows the user to zoom in, zoom out and jump to the time 'now'.
SimpleComponentFactory A simple component factory is an exension of the default component factory.
SimpleGranularityDualGanttChart A dual Gantt chart implementation that is pre-configured to use the non-standard SimpleGranularity for its dateline model, the status bar, and the grid policy.
SimpleGranularityGanttChart A Gantt chart implementation that is pre-configured to use the non-standard SimpleGranularity for its dateline model, the status bar, and the grid policy.
SortingEvent An event object used in combination with the ISortingListener interface.
StatusBar A general purpose statusbar implementation.
TimelineObjectPathMessage A timeline object message is used when the application wants to display a message to the user that is somehow related to a single timeline object.
TimeZoneDialog A dialog specialized on letting the user select a timezone from a list of available time zones.
TimeZonePanel A panel specialized on letting the user select a timezone from a list of available time zones.
TreePathMessage A tree path message is used when the cause of the message is a node in the tree table on the left-hand side of the Gantt chart.
UtilityControlPanel A panel used to display various utility controls in the lower left corner of the layer container.

Enum Summary
GanttChartToolBar.Control An enumerator that can be used in combination with the toolbar constructor to determine which buttons are displayed.
GanttChartToolBar.Mode Different display modes supported by the toolbar.
MessageTypeId A message type ID is used to distinguish different types of user messages.
MultiGanttChartContainerEvent.ID An identifier used to distinguish between different types of multi Gantt chart container events.
NavigationControlType An enumeration of possible navigation types.
PagingControlType An enumeration of possible paging operations.
SortingEvent.ID An enumerator used to distinguish between different types of sorting events.

Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing Description

Contains the Gantt chart components and various other user interface elements that can be used together with the Gantt chart. For example a message dialog, various frame/window types, a status bar, etc.