Uses of Class

Packages that use LabelType
com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt A model definition and default implementation for a Gantt chart model, which is basically an extension of a tree table model, which itself is an extension of a tree model. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline Policies that will be used in the context of an eventline. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer Policies that will be used in the context of layers. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.util General utility classes. 

Uses of LabelType in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt with parameters of type LabelType
 java.lang.String ITimelineObject.getLabel(LabelType type)
          Returns labels for various purposes depending on the given label type identifier.
 java.lang.String DefaultTimelineObject.getLabel(LabelType type)
 void DefaultTimelineObject.setLabel(java.lang.String label, LabelType type)
          Sets a new label for the given label type.

Uses of LabelType in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline with parameters of type LabelType
 java.lang.String DefaultEventlineLabelPolicy.getLabel(java.lang.Object eventlineObject, IEventlineModel model, LabelType type)
 java.lang.String IEventlineLabelPolicy.getLabel(java.lang.Object eventlineObject, IEventlineModel model, LabelType type)
          Returns labels for various purposes based on the given label type ID.

Uses of LabelType in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer with parameters of type LabelType
 java.lang.String DefaultLabelPolicy.getLabel(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, LabelType type)
 java.lang.String ILabelPolicy.getLabel(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, LabelType type)
          Returns various types of labels for a given timeline object.
 boolean DefaultLabelPolicy.isLabelTypeVisible(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, LabelType type)
 boolean ILabelPolicy.isLabelTypeVisible(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, LabelType type)
          Determines whether or not a certain type of label will be shown for the given timeline object or not.

Uses of LabelType in com.dlsc.flexgantt.util

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.util that return LabelType
static LabelType LabelType.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static LabelType[] LabelType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.