Dundas Chart for ASP.NET
Median Formula
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Formula Reference > Statistical Formulas > Median Formula

Glossary Item Box


Enterprise Edition Only Feature.

This formula returns the median for data stored in a data series.

Applying the Formula

All statistical formulas are calculated using the Statistics class, and the following table describes how to use its Median method to get the median.


  Value/Description Example
Formula Name: Median Statistics.Median ("Series1")

inputSeriesName: The names of one or more Series objects that store the data points for which the median is required.

Return: A double that represents the median for all the data points in the given series.



Make sure that all data points have their XValue property set, and that their series'  XValueIndexed property has been set to false.

Statistical Interpretation

The median of a sample set is that value for which half of the members are greater in size and half the members are lesser in size.

Please note that it is the first Y value (Y1) of all data points that are used to calculate the median.


Figure 1: A line type chart, with a Strip Line on the Y-axis representing the Median.



This example demonstrates how to get the median of the data points in a series named "Series1". Note that the Y1 value of the data points is used.

Visual Basic Copy Code
Imports Dundas.Charting.WebControl
Dim result As Double = Chart1.DataManipulator.Statistics.Median("Series1")

C# Copy Code
using Dundas.Charting.WebControl;
double result = Chart1.DataManipulator.Statistics.Median("Series1");


See Also

Formulas Overview

Statistical Formulas
Using Statistical Formulas

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