Dundas Chart for ASP.NET
DataBindY(IEnumerable[]) Method
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Dundas.Charting.WebControl Namespace > DataPointCollection Class > DataBindY Method : DataBindY(IEnumerable[]) Method

One or more comma-separated IEnumerable data sources.
One or more enumerable objects with Y values.

Data binds the Y-value(s) of the collection's data points to the first column of the specified data source(s).

One or more comma-separated IEnumerable data sources.

One or more comma-separated IEnumerable data sources.

Data bind Y values of the data points to the data source. Data source can be the Array, Collection, Ole(SQL)DataReader, DataView, DataSet, DataTable or DataRow.


Visual Basic (Declaration)  
Public Overloads Sub DataBindY( _
   ByVal ParamArray yValue() As IEnumerable _
Visual Basic (Usage) Copy Code
Dim instance As DataPointCollection
Dim yValue() As IEnumerable
public void DataBindY( 
   params IEnumerable[] yValue


One or more comma-separated IEnumerable data sources.
One or more enumerable objects with Y values.


This method binds the Y-value(s) of the collection's data points to the first column of the specified datasource(s).

To bind Y-values to a datasource column that is not the first available column use the DataBindY Method (IEnumerable,string).

You can bind several Y-values by specifying multiple data sources using the yValue() parameter. Note that the first available column in each datasource will be used for each data point's successive Y-values. For example, the first column of the first IEnumerable datasource will be bound to the first Y-value of data points, then the first column of the second IEnumerable datasource will be bound to the second Y-value of data points, etc.

If Y-values are not provided by the data source, or the wrong number of values are provided an exception will be thrown.

The following is a list of objects that you can use as the datasource parameter:

  • DataView

  • Data readers (SQL, OleDB)

  • Arrays

  • Lists

  • All other objects that use the IEnumerable interface. 

Note: We highly recommend reading the Data Binding topic for help in determining how to bind your data.


Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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