Dundas Chart for ASP.NET
HorizontalLineAnnotation Class Members
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Dundas.Charting.WebControl Namespace : HorizontalLineAnnotation Class

The following tables list the members exposed by HorizontalLineAnnotation.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor HorizontalLineAnnotation Constructor  Default public constructor.
Default public constructor.  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property Alignment  Not applicable to this annotation type.
Not applicable to this annotation type. (Inherited from LineAnnotation)
Public Property AnchorDataPoint Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets the data point an annotation is anchored to.
Gets or sets the data point an annotation is anchored to. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property AnchorOffsetX Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an annotation X position's offset from the anchor point.
Gets or sets an annotation X position's offset from the anchor point. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property AnchorOffsetY Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an annotation Y position's offset from the anchor point.
Gets or sets an annotation Y position's offset from the anchor point. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property AnchorX Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets the X coordinate the annotation is anchored to.
Gets or sets the X coordinate the annotation is anchored to. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property AnchorY Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets the Y coordinate the annotation is anchored to.
Gets or sets the Y coordinate the annotation is anchored to. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property AxisX Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets the X axis an annotation is attached to.
Gets or sets the X axis an annotation is attached to. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property AxisY Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets the Y axis an annotation is attached to.
Gets or sets the Y axis an annotation is attached to. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property BackColor  Not applicable to this annotation type.
Not applicable to this annotation type. (Inherited from LineAnnotation)
Public Property BackGradientEndColor  Not applicable to this annotation type.
Not applicable to this annotation type. (Inherited from LineAnnotation)
Public Property BackGradientType  Not applicable to this annotation type.
Not applicable to this annotation type. (Inherited from LineAnnotation)
Public Property BackHatchStyle  Not applicable to this annotation type.
Not applicable to this annotation type. (Inherited from LineAnnotation)
Public Property Bottom Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an annotation position's bottom boundary.
Gets or sets an annotation position's bottom boundary. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property ClipToChartArea Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets the name of the chart area an annotation is clipped to.
Gets or sets the name of the chart area an annotation is clipped to. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property DrawInfinitive  Gets or sets a flag that determines if an infinite line should be drawn.
Gets or sets a flag that indicates if an infinitive line should be drawn. (Inherited from LineAnnotation)
Public Property EndCap Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets a cap style used at the end of the annotation line.
Gets or sets a cap style used at the end of the annotation line. (Inherited from LineAnnotation)
Public Property Height Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an annotation's height.
Gets or sets an annotation's height. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property Href Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an annotation's Href.
Gets or sets an annotation's Href. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property LineColor Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an annotation's line color.
Gets or sets an annotation's line color. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property LineStyle Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an annotation's line style.
Gets or sets an annotation's line style. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property LineWidth Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an annotation's line width.
Gets or sets an annotation's line width. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property MapAreaAttributes Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an annotation's map area attributes.
Gets or sets an annotation's map area attributes. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property Name Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an annotation's unique name.
Gets or sets an annotation's unique name. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property Right Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an annotation position's right boundary.
Gets or sets an annotation position's right boundary. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property Selected Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets a flag that determines if an annotation is selected.
Gets or sets a flag that determines if an annotation is selected. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property ShadowColor Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an annotation's shadow color.
Gets or sets an annotation's shadow color. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property ShadowOffset Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an annotation shadow's size.
Gets or sets an annotation shadow's size. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property SizeAlwaysRelative  Gets or sets the flag that specifies whether the annotation size is always defined in relative chart coordinates.
Gets or sets the flag that specifies whether the annotation size is always defined in relative chart coordinates. (Inherited from LineAnnotation)
Public Property SmartLabels Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets the smart labels style of an annotation.
Gets or sets the smart labels style of an annotation. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property StartCap Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets a cap style used at the start of the annotation line.
Gets or sets a cap style used at the start of the annotation line. (Inherited from LineAnnotation)
Public Property Tag Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an object associated with an annotation.
Gets or sets an object associated with an annotation. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property TextColor  Not applicable to this annotation type.
Not applicable to this annotation type. (Inherited from LineAnnotation)
Public Property TextFont  Not applicable to this annotation type.
Not applicable to this annotation type. (Inherited from LineAnnotation)
Public Property TextStyle  Not applicable to this annotation type.
Not applicable to this annotation type. (Inherited from LineAnnotation)
Public Property ToolTip Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an annotation's tooltip text.
Gets or sets an annotation's tooltip text. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property Visible Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets a flag that specifies whether an annotation is visible.
Gets or sets a flag that specifies whether an annotation is visible. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property Width Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets an annotation's width, measured in pixels.
Gets or sets an annotation's width. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property X Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets the X coordinate of an annotation.
Gets or sets the X coordinate of an annotation. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Property Y Enterprise Only Feature. Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the annotation.
Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the annotation. (Inherited from Annotation)

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public Method Anchor Overloaded. Enterprise Only Feature. Anchors an annotation point. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Method BringToFront Enterprise Only Feature. Brings an annotation to the front of all annotations.
Brings an annotation to the front of all annotations. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Method Delete Enterprise Only Feature. Deletes a chart annotation from the Annotations collection.
Deletes a chart annotation from the Annotations collection. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Method Dispose (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Method GetAnnotationGroup Enterprise Only Feature. Gets the group, if any, the annotation belongs to.
Gets the group, if any, the annotation belongs to. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Method Paint  Paints an annotation object on the specified graphics.
Paints an annotation object on the specified graphics. (Inherited from LineAnnotation)
Public Method ResizeToContent Enterprise Only Feature. Resizes an annotation according to it's content size.
Resizes an annotation according to it's content size. (Inherited from Annotation)
Public Method SendToBack Enterprise Only Feature. Sends an annotation to the back of all annotations.
Sends an annotation to the back of all annotations. (Inherited from Annotation)

See Also

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