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DoughnutRadius Custom Attribute
See Also

Glossary Item Box

Gets or sets the radius of the Doughnut chart.

The value of this attribute indicates the percentage of the overall radius of the chart that will be used for the Doughnut center hole. For example, if the DoughnutRadius is set to 100, the doughnut hole will not exist, therefore, the chart will look like a Pie chart. The larger the value of the DoughnutRadius, the smaller the doughnut hole of the chart.

Custom Attribute Summary
Possible Values: Ranges from 0 to 100.
Default Value: 60
2D / 3D Limitations: No
Applies to Chart Element: Series Objects
Applies to Chart Types: Doughnut


Figure 1: DoughnutRadius of 35.

See Also

Custom Attributes
Custom Attributes Overview

Chart Types
Doughnut Chart